Page 43 of Blood Pearl
“Thank you, momma… I mean Alpha Aurora. I will endeavor to make you as proud as I can, while learning from these Lunas.” Taria gives me a head nod of respect, and I can’t resist giving her hand a squeeze before she heads off to her next task in the kitchen.
Raina and Wallace both give me beaming smiles that tell me they are happy with Taria’s progress. Raina joins me as I walk back to the packhouse and regales me with tales of some of the things that pack members are saying about the ‘new’ Taria.
“It has not gone unnoticed as to how much she has changed in such a short time. When she joins a table at mealtimes, the pack members are like pups that have been given a treat. In the training circle, her opponents are now wary when they see who they are to fight. She has turned her game around and her reputation with it.”
“I am glad to hear these things, Raina. I failed her and to see that she has taken the criticism and made such positive changes in her life gives me hope for her future. I think she will make a great Luna. I only hope that her Alpha will live up to her expectations.” Entering my office, Raina takes her leave and I sit behind my desk.
Taking up my phone, I place a call to Luna Tatiana. It only rings twice and a guarded voice asks, “Hello, Alpha Aurora. How are you?”
“Luna Tatiana, I’m well, thank you. And you?”
“I’m very well, thank you. What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if you could help me with my daughter, Taria. I have not given her the amount of attention needed for her education to become a successful Luna. Would you be willing to spend some time with her and show how you do things for your pack? I realize we had our issues at one time, so if you don’t want to help, I fully understand.” I wait with bated breath for a response, hoping that Tatiana can overlook our earlier situation.
“Alpha Aurora. It would be a pleasure to help your daughter. Any issues we had are long since forgotten. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then. If you let me know when she will arrive, I can have a room ready for her and she can shadow me for a time, and I can arrange some tasks for her to take on as her own, too. I would be honored to be a part of her learning.”
I’m sure the sigh that escapes me does not go unnoticed. “I thank you for your help in this matter, Luna Tatiana. If there is anything I can do for you, you need only ask.”
“I understand the need for Taria to have some help in understanding the Luna role. Don’t forget, I was to be an Alpha myself and the town council, and many others, including Shifter Councilman Flint, gave me considerable help towards achieving that goal. I was fortunate to meet my alpha mate and become a Luna instead.”
“Taria too has met her alpha mate. Please treat this in confidence. He was not impressed with her entitled attitude and this brought home to me my failings as both her momma and alpha.” I feel that I’m talking more than I should about my failings, yet I need the Lunas to understand my position in this, as well as Taria’s.
“Alpha Aurora. I would imagine that among everything you have gone through since taking over the Blood Pearl Pack, you have done many positive things for your daughter that you don’t realize and perhaps don’t give yourself credit for. You have been both Momma and Poppa to her during a time that you have molded a very successful pack. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
Hearing someone calling to Luna Tatiana, I thank her for her kind words and end the call. Taking a few moments to compose myself, I then place a call to Blackshadow Pack and Luna Hope.
The call takes only a few sentences and Luna Hope is more than willing to help Taria, too. That’s the priorities from my list so far.
Mind linking with Raina and Wallace, I ask them to come to the office. Next item, the packhouse doors being locked at night and patrols around the packhouse itself.
With Raina and Wallace seated, I discuss the subject of packhouse security. This has been picked up by the council warriors as well as myself, so needs addressing.
Raina is not happy that she has not picked up on this, and Wallace assures me that this should be part of the security procedures we have in place. Both will look into this tonight and report back in the morning. Any failings will be rectified immediately, I’m sure. Neither Raina nor Wallace would want to be responsible for a breach of the packhouse.
The rest of the day I spend ticking off tasks from my list and just as quickly seem to add new ones. I hate lists!
Showered, relaxed, and finally in bed, I just seem to close my eyes when a loud and insistent knocking on my door has me jumping out of bed. I hear Raina shout to me to meet her in my office as soon as I can and hear her footsteps heading away down the hall.
Dressing quickly, I rush to the office, where I see two warriors outside, standing guard. What the hell is this?
Entering the office, I find two more warriors, Raina, Wallace and a male pack member in attendance.
“Alpha Aurora. While monitoring the security procedures this evening, we discovered this male leaving the packhouse. When we followed him, we found he was attempting to meet with a rogue at the border. The rogue unfortunately escaped. It appears we have a traitor in our midst.”
Chapter 24
Since being back from the last recon mission, I’ve been feeling at a bit of a loss for a purpose. Not a feeling I’m used to, to be honest. Keeping myself occupied has always come easy to me. I can find tasks where others have already ticked them off their to do list. I don’t think of it as anything more than my perfectionist nature.
I have spent most mornings at the training area watching Roul put the pack members through their paces. Some have improved almost to warrior standard, others are struggling to become cannon fodder! That’s an odd term to remember, I think to myself. I picked that up from my military strategy studies many years ago.
Waiting for this morning's session to end, I catch Roul’s eye and point to the packhouse. We walk together and find a table in a quiet corner of the dining area.
“What’s on your mind, Gerry? I’d know that look anywhere. You’re bored and going to stick your nose into my business, aren’t you?” Roul gives me a grin.
“Yes, and no. You know me too well at times. Yes, I’m looking for things to keep me occupied, but I’m not trying to stick my nose in. I thought we could compare notes, on how you think the pack members are coming along with their training?” Raising my eyebrows at him in what I hope is my pleading look.