Page 47 of Blood Pearl
Talking to Xavier proves to be easy and when I suddenly find my tray empty, I look up, surprised. I’m also surprised by the amount of chatter and laughter around the dining room. It had been sullen and silent when I first made my entrance.
Xavier smiles at me. “The mood in the room picked up as your mood lightened. The pack picked up on your anxiety and anger. When that began to lift, so did their spirits. You look like the burden has been lifted.”
“I have to admit, I don’t recall what we have talked about for the last few minutes, but thank you, Xavier, for your patience and for listening to whatever it was.” I give him a genuine smile and I’m sure I feel my face crack with the strain of it.
“Few minutes? Try ninety. You can be quite chatty when the walls come down. I am pleased that you felt you could unload on me. Everything we discussed will not leave this table, I assure you. Now, I think you should go make that call to Councilman Flint. Perhaps the kitchen has some humble pie you can take with you?” Laughing at his own joke, I laugh with him.
“I talked openly then, didn’t I? If you will excuse me, I believe you’re right about that call. Thank you again.” Emptying my tray, I smile at Crispin and wait for him to accompany me back to the office. The guarded look I get tells me he, for one, is not convinced my mood has fully dispersed.
Placing the call to Flint, I hold my breath as he answers.
“Alpha Aurora.”
“Councilman Flint. Please accept my sincere apologies for my poor behavior earlier. It was unnecessary, rude and not in the least appropriate. I apologize, unreservedly.”
“Apology accepted. Now, I have read through the information and we have only a little so far. It seems wealth was the motivator behind your traitor. He was promised a substantial sum once Arric achieves his goals. Few shifters find wealth a motivation, we do not covet Yeworldly goods. The wealth he was promised, however, would promote a certain feeling or level of power over others.”
“And does Arric have the finances to honor such promises? As rogues, they have no businesses to gather funds, no infrastructure to support investment. Their only income would surely be theft. How could they possibly steal such wealth to fulfill these false promises?” I’m amazed that any pack member would be so gullible as to believe such falsehoods. To turn pack traitor for wealth has to be the lowest form of betrayal.
“We believe it highly unlikely that he has any financial backing of any shape or form.”
“Can you tell me what has happened in relation to Eve Planter? I can’t believe she would want me dead so bad as to hire mercenaries to assassinate me.”
“Eve is not your concern, Alpha Aurora.”
“I beg to differ, Councilman Flint. Eve Planter is most definitely my concern. She attacked me in wolf form in a Shifter Council meeting, she..”
“Alpha Aurora. Eve Planter is not your concern. Not now. Not ever. Let that be an end to this subject.” Flint's words carry an air of finality and after this morning's call, I decide it is best to let things lie. For now, anyway.
“Thank you for your time today, Councilman.”
“Always a pleasure, ‘Alpha’.” He closes the call out. Not using his name has not gone unnoticed, then. To hell with the Council. How can Eve Planter NOT be my concern? Taking several deep breaths, I feel myself calming. I don’t need to go back to my earlier mood.
Placing a mind link to cook Ivy, I ask her to come to the office. It seems only a minute when a knock on the door and Crispin announces cook Ivy to see me.
Gesturing to a seat in front of my desk, I give her a smile. She has rarely been summoned to the Alpha’s office and looks nervous.
“I need a meal prepared for two people. It needs to be something very special.” Seeing the surprised look on her face and the knowing look growing across her expression, I damn near panic. “NO! It is not a two person romantic meal. It is a special meal as a reward for hard work and going above and beyond what was required. I need it to be served this evening, here in my office. I will have tables arranged in here and will require servers and a wine waiter, one who is competent, at least. The meal will be for Council Warrior Gerry. He has an unusually large appetite, and I do not wish him to leave this room in any form other than fully satiated. You may prepare anything that you see fit and that can be done to your highest standard in the time allowed. You may use anything in our stores and utilize any staff that you need. Any extra staff or foodstuffs can be costed to my personal account.”
“This is to be a formal setting with silverware and crystal, I presume, Alpha?”
“It is to be the very best of everything that we have to offer, no exceptions.”
“If you will excuse me then, I need to get started as quickly as I can. I will present you with a set menu within the hour. I will have starters, entrées and desserts fitting such an event. Thank you for this opportunity, Alpha. You will not be disappointed.”
“Ivy, I have never been disappointed before. I have every confidence that you will do me proud this evening.” Watching her hurry away to begin her preparations, I sit back with a sigh. Now to invite Gerry to his appreciation meal.
Having showered and prepared myself for the meal with Gerry, I open my door and Raina is standing there.
“You can get your ass back in there and make an effort. You are not presenting yourself to Council Warrior Gerry in jeans and a hoodie.”
“First of all, you are not my mother. Second, I am not PRESENTING myself to Council Warrior Gerry. I am gifting him a meal where I’ll be in attendance.”
“Seriously, Aurora, I couldn’t give a damn. As your friend, I’m advising you that you are not dressed appropriately. As your Beta, I’m ashamed that you would think this is ‘appropriate’ for such an event. You have more sense than this. Gerry will be suited and booted to the highest standard. You will not only embarrass yourself but will leave him mortified he has ‘out-dressed’ the Alpha that has honored him this way.”
Staring at her angry face, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so angry with me personally, not ever. Looking down at myself, I know she is right. As I spin back into my room, Raina’s voice follows me. “And it had better not be pants of any kind. And it had better be an evening gown. And heels! With jewelry! FEMININE, DAMMIT!”
Entering the Alpha’s office, Gerry is by the window looking out over the pack house gardens. I have stood in that very spot many times contemplating a problem. When he turns, he almost drops the glass he is holding. I turn to see what startled him, but see nothing.