Page 5 of Blood Pearl
“Your warriors are here. My patrol is bringing them both here to us. They can eat before we take them to their rooms. We will have a meeting first thing in the morning in my office if that is good for you?”
The two council warriors arrive in the dining room and they are very different in stature. The shorter of the two, who reminds me of a deceased friend, tips his head to Flint, while the taller one, somewhat athletic in build and with chiseled features, scans the room. His eyes are alert and dart around the room assessing for threats. When he’s completed the scan, he then acknowledges the Councilman while the shorter of the two scans the room. Once they have both satisfied themselves there are no immediate dangers, they nod to each other. One stands directly behind the Councilman, while the other stands off to one side, blocking any possible threat from the nearest doorway.
I like the way these warriors work together and a small tic raises my lip. “Your Councilman will be safe here. Take a seat and I’ll have food brought over.”
“Thank you, Alpha, that would be good. I could eat a horse, its saddle and probably its rider right now,” the shorter one growls as he slips in beside Flint.
Councilman Flint glances at him reproachfully and then grins at me. “This is Warrior Gerry. He is always hungry. I’ve never known anyone eat as much as he can and does, on a regular basis. I think he must have a tapeworm the size of a python to digest the food he gets through.”
Pointing to his other warrior, that has taken a seat at the end of the table where he has an uninterrupted view of most of the dining room and its doors and windows, “This is Warrior Roul. He doesn’t cost the same to feed, is more refined and polite than Gerry yet just as thorough when it comes to my protection. I think you’ll get on well with both of them, Alpha Aurora.”
“I’m sure they are both capable, ‘how’ capable remains to be seen. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to complete my evening inspections. I will have Raina, my Beta, arrange an early morning call and a hearty breakfast for you all before our meeting.”
Leaving the dining room, I decide to task Taria with the evening inspections and retire to my room early.
Walking into my office the next morning, I take my seat behind the desk, checking if anything has been left on one side for my urgent attention. Thankfully, nothing has been placed overnight for me to look at first thing this morning. My Beta Raina walks into the office, giving me a bright smile.
“What has you so cheerful this morning?” I can’t help but ask.
“Nothing, except a good night's rest.” Raina takes a seat in front of my desk, and sits quietly as I check the food rationing list that our kitchen workers have passed for me to look at.
“We are going to run short of food if we have to keep supplying this much to the rogues. I can’t allow the pack to go hungry, so I’m going to make a move on getting our pack members back. I’ll need you to step up as acting Alpha if I step away for a short while to get the information we need to get them out of no-man’s-land. We can’t in all conscience leave them any longer. We don’t know if they are all alive or not.”
Raina growls under her breath, then gives a small cough to cover it up. “I can do whatever it is you're thinking of doing. We can’t have you risking yourself…”
Cutting into whatever she’s going to say, “I’ll not let another of my pack be hurt while I sit here waiting. Twiddling my fingers and thumbs has never been my way, and every one of the pack members I take responsibility for. I will get them out, or die trying. You will make sure Taria stays safe and act as Alpha until such a time as either I get back, or I’m not returning, and the council will decide the pack's fate.”
“Alpha, please don’t put yourself at risk. I can do it in your stead.”
“No, you cannot, Raina. It’s my responsibility. I’m having a meeting at any moment with Councilman Flint and his two Council Warriors. We will see what they can suggest, but if they have nothing, then I’m going into no-man’s-land, find my pack members and get them out, somehow!”
Tapping at the door grabs our attention, and Raina opens it to allow Councilman Flint, Warrior Gerry and Warrior Roul into the office.
“Please, take a seat.” I point to the long table and chairs as I rise from my seat behind the desk and step over to the table as well. We all settle into a chair and I wait for Flint to speak.
Raina speaks, “Would anyone like a drink?”
All three give a shake of the head that no, they wouldn’t, and turn their attention back to me. Okay, seems I’m the one opening this meeting.
“Let’s not delay what we are here to speak about. The rogues have ten of my pack members. They have had them for months and I’m going in, with or without help, to find them and get them out, if it’s possible. I don’t care about my safety in this matter, at this point I’m past caring if I get out alive or not. What I care about are my people, getting them home where they belong.”
Flint leans forward in his seat, leaning his elbows on the table and clasping his hand together. “Warrior Gerry is going with you. We have briefly spoken last night and if you are insistent about going into no-man’s-land, then he’s going with you. He has the skills to get you in and out. He can watch your back and you can watch his. You cannot go in alone. I will give you three days and if you are not back in that time span, then I’ll contact the other council members and we’ll decide if we need to involve the other packs and invade or not!”
Aztec speaks to me. We need someone with us. We can’t do this alone. Asher spoke to me and is determined to go along with us. He is a good wolf, and Gerry is a worthy shifter. They will be perfect to go along with us. We can’t take any of our members with us. We already have to rescue ten.
‘I know Aztec, I’ve heard only good things about Warrior Gerry. I just don’t want to be responsible for anyone else’s life.’
“Have you finished speaking with Aztec?” Flint asks, and Warriors Gerry and Roul smirk.
“Aztec is okay with Warrior Gerry coming along with us. She has spoken to Gerry’s wolf, Asher, and is more than happy to run alongside him.”
“Okay then, this is what we’ll do.” Flint leans even a little more forward onto his elbows. Warriors Gerry and Roul do the same. I have a feeling this is the norm for these three when they are strategizing.
Two hours later we have studied the map of no-man’s-land I have on the wall, marking the area where we believe the pack members are being held. We also plan the route we need to take to stay out of the path of the patrol they have walking.
Knocking on the door interrupts and I call out, ‘Come in.’
“I’m sorry for interrupting Alpha Aurora, but I have information regarding a change in the rogues’ patrol pattern,” Warrior Amos states.