Page 57 of Blood Pearl
“I’ll make the announcement at breakfast. We’ll have just about everybody present at that time except on-duty warriors. I’ll get Wallace to ensure they are informed. We’ll have to have a feast, too. I’ll let you drop that on Cook Ivy as one of your first Alpha tasks.” Aurora is enjoying this a little too much for my liking.
Raina appears at the table. “Sorry to disturb you. Councilman Flint has called and asked for Gerry to call him back as soon as possible. He sounded rather short-tempered, too.”
“I’d better see what he wants this time. I’ll speak to Cook Ivy when I’m done with him.” Looking at Aurora, I dearly want to kiss her, but don’t know what to do.
“You’d better kiss me or there will be trouble.” Aurora solves that one for me, and I bend down and kiss her.
Back in my room, and yet again adding a call to Flint to my call list, I hear him almost before the first ring has sounded.
“Gerry. I’ve spoken to the Council, and they are not happy with your response. The order stands. You are not to discuss anything in relation to Eve Planter’s death, whether asked directly, indirectly, or in any context whatsoever. Have I made your position clear?”
Flint does not sound himself. I’ve never heard him like this before. A tap at the door has me pulling it open sharply. I motion for Aurora to step in and take a seat.
“Flint, putting the Council aside, have you heard yourself lately? I don’t know what’s happening, but if you just take a moment and listen to yourself. You would never ask someone to do what you’re asking of me. This is so out of character.” I say this in a calm and friendly tone, meaning no disrespect.
“Well, I’m sorry you find my character so abhorrent of late, but that being said, the order still stands. Is that clear, Council Warrior Gerry?” His voice drips with sarcasm.
“Councilman Flint. I resign from my position as Council Warrior with immediate effect. As I am not completing any form of notice period, you may impose any type of financial or formal penalties you wish. I will not be dictated to in this manner by you, the Council or anyone else. I will not be standing for a place on the Council, either. I am disgusted with their stand on Eve’s suicide, not informing the pack Alphas and demanding my silence. The pack Alphas have every right to know what is happening within their Shifter Council.”
“Gerry, I will not sit idly by while you throw away a life's work defending this Council. I order you to return to the Council, forthwith, and…”
“I’m sorry Flint but that will not be possible. I have a chosen mate and because of that, certain duties have befallen me I cannot ignore.”
“A chosen mate does not incur such duties that cannot wait. You will return immediately. Is that understood?”
“As chosen mate to Aurora Pearl, who is now Luna to the Blood Pearl Pack, I have responsibilities that supersede anything that my former position as Council Warrior may have had. My position here as Alpha of the pack is more important than answering to a Council that has clearly not only lost its way, but also its morals. Take care, Flint, that you don’t all follow in Eve’s footsteps and let power and your own agendas lead you astray.” Ending the call, I stand there shaking with anger and frustration.
Aurora takes my shoulders in a firm grip. Staring into my eyes, she nods her head slowly. “I was right. We will make an impressive couple. I’ll have your back no matter what the Shifter Council tries to do. We will be united throughout the coming trials and tribulations and we will be triumphant.”
“You sound like an advertisement for a warrior position. There’s one going at the Council, I’m led to believe.”
“You’re not thinking of re-applying, are you, my mate?”
“No. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt, my love.”
“My love? Ooohh! I like the sound of that.”
Chapter 30
Breakfast time and I’ve called the pack to the training area to announce the change in the pack Alpha position. I’ve already informed Head Warrior Wallace, and he is going to inform the border patrols. They are the only ones not present at the training area. Raina and Gerry stand with me, and of course, Raina has several warriors in close proximity.
Listening to the buzz of conversation from the pack, they know what the announcement is going to be already. Calling for silence, I look over the pack and see mainly excitement. The odd bored expression is in evidence, but overall, the atmosphere is positive.
“Thank you all for being here. I have an announcement that concerns you all. I have taken a chosen mate…”
Before I can say more, the pack starts cheering, howling, clapping and foot stomping.
Shouts of, ‘about time,’ ‘good for you,’ ‘go Gerry!’ are just a few that echo around the area.
Allowing them time to settle down, I thank them for their enthusiastic response. I then carry on to the next order of business.
“Being chosen mates also affects not only Gerry and my dynamics, but also the dynamics of the pack leadership. Over the next few days, there will be a transitional period where I will become your Luna, and Gerry will take the responsibility of the pack Alpha. There are no current plans for any changes in how the pack operates. I will now hand over to Future Alpha Gerry to say a few words.”
Gerry steps forward and takes his place in front of the pack. The silence is so intense that you could hear a pin drop.
“First, I would like to say that Aurora accepting me as her chosen mate has been one of the best days of my life so far. I look forward to many more ‘best days’ together. I hope that you will share in some of these days in the near future.