Page 60 of Blood Pearl
Asking for some time alone, Gerry and Xavier leave me to my thoughts.
Chapter 31
I’m not sure what’s going on with Gerry and Xavier but their behavior is a bit odd of late, to say the least. I would have thought that either of them would have jumped at the chance of joining the Shifter Council. Apart from the prestige of being a Council member, they could have brought so much to the table, especially Gerry.
They would have benefitted in so many ways. Food is provided as groceries or as cooked meals in the Council's dining area, which is easily as good as any restaurant. A house and all utilities are standard, and I have to say again that some of our houses are very special. The gardens alone are a great space and maintenance is provided.
The problem is not with Gerry or Xavier. The problem lies closer to home. You should take a step back and examine self before questioning others.
‘And what is that supposed to mean, Bruno?’
It means what I say. The problem is not with others.
I don’t have time for your cryptic games. Talk to me when you don’t want to use riddles.
There is nothing cryptic in my words, only in your mind at this time.
Bruno does a few turns and then settles into the back of my mind, hunkering down to sleep in no time. I only wish I could sleep so easily and deeply as he does.
Making my way to see what is available for lunch, I notice a group of Council Warriors heading the same way. As I am about to greet them and maybe join them, one of them speaks first. “Good day, Councilman Flint.” I’m not certain, but he seems to emphasize my name somewhat. The group turn and, as one, greets me too.
One of the females then speaks up. “I’ve just remembered. We all agreed to extra training. We’d better do that before we eat, don’t you think?” There’s that emphasis again on the ‘don’t you think.’
Just like a flock of birds, they all turn away from the dining area and head off outside. Well, that’s dedication for you. Carrying on my way into the dining area, there’s quite a buzz of chatter going on. I’ve always enjoyed meal times so much more when it’s pleasantly loud with chatter and laughter. There’s nothing worse than a morose and dismal atmosphere when you want to sit and enjoy your food.
Filling my tray with a selection of salad and cold meats, I find a table that is empty but close to the busier part of the area. Halfway through my food I notice how quiet it’s gone. Glancing around, I see that half the tables are now empty, and there is a queue of those waiting to empty trays. They must have been early to dine as the areas only been open a short time.
Carrying on with my meal, I take a discreet scan of the remaining diners. I see several looking my way, and then talking quietly among themselves. What the..? Have I suddenly grown two heads or something?
Without finishing my meal, I join the queue to empty my tray. Those in front of me stand aside and let me deal with my waste, plate, and cutlery. Leaving, I walk towards the room I’m allocated while at the Council Hall, but then look to see who else follows me out. Strangely, no-one leaves the dining area. On the pretense of going outside, I walk past the dining area entrance and see that those that were queueing are now back in their seats.
I told you to look closer to home!
‘Oh, be quiet with your nonsense.’
Going back to the room I have while here on Council business, I decide to phone Xavier for his decision on becoming a Council member. It has to be better than the life he has now, I’m sure.
Sitting at the desk provided for me, I take up the phone. Before calling Xavier I decide to speak to Gerry and Aurora. I suppose I’d better congratulate them and find out when they want me to perform their Alpha and Luna ceremonies.
It takes only a single ring, and I hear Aurora’s voice. “Hello, Councilman Flint. What can I do for you today?”
“Well, I haven’t heard you sound this cheerful in a long time, Aurora. What’s got you in such a good mood?”
“Well, I’ve just taken a chosen mate. How’s that, for starters?”
“Oh, of course.”
“So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your call, Flint?”
“You mean Councilman Flint, and I was calling to congratulate yourself and Gerry on your recent bonding.”
“I thought we’d agreed to do away with formalities on calls and in private? If that’s not the case then you will refer to me as ALPHA Aurora, until such times as I take the Luna position. And our ‘bonding’ does not need your congratulations. If you mean our having taken chosen mates, then thank you. I think I’ll let you speak to Gerry. I have somewhere to be. Goodbye, Councilman Flint.”
Hearing Aurora speak briefly with Gerry, I’m not able to pick out any words, but her tone is very sharp.
“Flint, what can I do for you?” Gerry’s tone is equally sharp.