Page 27 of Rousing Renee
“Please choose whatever you’d like from my list.” While I scrolled, she fixed her own plate.
I chose one of my favorite movies, Silver Linings Playbook.
“Great choice.”
I put the remote beside me and lifted a slice of pizza. Renee sat in the same manner as me, but on the floor .
“I’ve seen this so many times. And I always catch something new.” She giggled to herself.
“Just don’t have a bipolar episode.”
She snickered, getting the movie reference. When half the food on my plate was gone, she passed me my drink. The rest of our time watching the movie went similarly. She anticipated my needs before I had a chance to say anything. When I was nice and full, I gave her my plate and she disappeared to get a blanket. She moved to sit on the floor, and I pulled my babygirl into my lap. It was my turn to get what I wanted. She rested her ass between my legs with her head back against my chest. The blanket covered us, and it felt right. I changed the movie when the first one was over, and she wrapped my free arm around her. That’s when she truly relaxed. She made it halfway through when I heard soft snoring. Maybe the sound of her sleeping so pleasantly was the lull I needed because, despite my long nap, my own eyes got heavy, and I fell asleep sometime later.
I woke to Renee shifting to get more comfortable and her pulling my other arm around her. I had no idea how long I’d been in that position, but I started to ache from sitting. I needed to stretch but didn’t want to disturb her.
“Are you okay?” she mumbled.
“I need to stretch,” I admitted.
“Okay.” She scooted forward, giving me space to do so. “Oh, my god. I had no idea it was this late.”
Her voice was groggy still and I could hear the hesitation in her tone.
“I’m sorry. I guess I’m super needy today.”
Standing, I stretched my body and relieved the uncomfortableness from my muscles. “Why does that have to be bad?”
“We’ve been on one date, Ezra.”
“True, but we’re not strangers. We have history. Plus, we’ve spent time together three times before tonight.”
Her eyebrows questioned my logic.
“My apartment, your job, and then our official date.”
“Are you not counting your time serenading me?” she joked.
“Absolutely not. I don’t know that guy.” I chuckled, and she joined me, laughing.
“Okay, four times.”
“Four times,” I confirmed. “Then tonight. It doesn’t shock me that we’re comfortable with one another. Some things just feel right, you know. This does.”
“And you’re okay with that?” she asked.
“Renee, I know we need to learn much more about one another, but I’ve wanted you for a long time. Mind you, those feelings went on reserve when I was with Tammy, but seeing you here unlocked all of that once again. I’m not trying to rush anything. I am curious about where it’ll go. The pace—it is what it is. I’m right where I need to be.”
“Doesn’t make me less scared.” Her words came out barely above a whisper.
“Why?” I asked, taking a seat again.
“I know what I said about leaving the past as the past…”
“Mine was a mess. I’ve only been with people who didn’t deserve my affection. I’m tired of that. I don’t want to get pulled into you for it to be so disappointing. Nothing toward you, but my track record is so horrid.” The chuckle she let out wasn’t one of fun and happiness. It was filled with sarcasm and despair. A laugh that was used to cover up pain.
“I don’t want to imagine what you’ve been through. I’m too handsome to go to jail for killing your exes.”