Page 29 of Rousing Renee
“How’s it feel to be the one teased now?” He spoke too closely to my ear.
Hot. Too damn hot.
I swallowed, daring not to say a single word.
“All night you’ve been putting your body all over me. Gripping, touching, nuzzling, and tempting me with all your softness. It’s time for a little taste of your own medicine.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He rocked against me, hardness against softness, lines on curves, masculine energy controlling my feminine one, and dominance staking submission. Too into his control over me, I didn’t move away–taking whatever he gave. His hands cupped my breasts and tweaked both of my nipples. Soaked and powerless to do anything about it, I didn’t hide my responses from him. When he squeezed, pinching the tips of my nipples, I couldn’t control the spasm that wracked me.
“Not pain…” I pleaded.
“Not pain… or is it not enough?”
Before I could respond, he repeated his actions, holding the pinch longer and tighter. I whimpered nice and loud, knowing we were at the point of no return. I needed him inside me. Again, he tweaked and pinched. Even longer and harder this time. The edges of my mind short circuited, pulling me out of my body. Fuzziness threatened to pull me under it to smother me in bliss.
“Babygirl…” Ezra growled into my ear before his tongue teased the lobe and then he bit down and dragged his teeth along it, scathing the sensitive skin.
“Yes, Sir.” That was definitely me sounding needy.
“Seems like my plan backfired. You feel it?” He flexed his hips my way.
“No, Sir. I’d call that a win for us both that you’re so hard. I want it so bad…” I pleaded.
“Slow… remember?”
“Yes, fuck me slowly,” I whined.
Ezra chuckled and shook his head. “We don’t even know what the other likes. We haven’t discussed limits, wants, and needs.”
“No kids, animals, or feces. I love pain mixed with pleasure. I’m clean and on birth control until I’m ready to have children.”
“I’m generous, loved to be tied up, marked, especially in places I can view later.”
“Please, please, please don’t say no,” I huffed.
I whimpered, feeling so damn helpless. “Yes, Sir.”
I swallowed and clenched my eyes tighter.
“Not because I don’t want you. I do. Badly. No, because I simply said it.” He bit down on my shoulder and I swore I saw stars.
My body spasmed so intensely, I thought I came. Everything buzzed. My mind played tricks on me, confusing me so much I thought he was inside me. I’d pressed my butt into him so close that I felt his erection pressed against my pussy.
“You’re so fucking wet.” His voice was incredibly deep and commanding. “I think you soaked us both.”
His hand moved between us, and he hissed. “When’s the last time you were fucked by somebody other than yourself?”
“Over a year ago,” I admitted, unashamed.