Page 41 of Rousing Renee
“I understand.”
“Change of topic. I wanted to come back to what you told me earlier. The suicide and cutting. A few things… one, I’m glad you’re still here. You have so much to live for. Two, I’m happy for you that you have gotten help. That takes so much courage to do and to stick with it. Three, at some point, I’d like to sit down and talk about the signs of depression for you and how it looks. That way, if a crisis arises, I know how to help if you need it.”
“You’d be there?”
“Oh, baby.” I chuckled. “Every step of the way. If you’ll allow me to love you, it’s not that easy to get rid of me. I told you, lies are my deal breaker. Don’t do that and you’ll be fine.”
“You’re only saying that because you want more pussy,” she muttered.
“Not a chance. I’ll get that, anyway. Also, the word is cunt.”
“No, it’s not.” Renee climbed on top of me and reached into the drawer on my side of the bed. “Typical man.” She retrieved a condom and opened it. “I’ll do whatever you want, but you have to call her what she is.” She worked it onto my stiffening erection. Then she lifted enough to ease it inside her. “Pussy.”
“Only if I get to put the word ‘my’ in front of it,” I challenged.
“You’re the one inside her.” Renee moaned and closed her eyes. “It’s always yours when you’re pleasing her.”
“That’ll work for now. But when you’re completely mine, you’ll both learn your place.”
“My place?” She raised her eyebrow and slowed her pace.
“Yes.” I rolled her over and pinned her to the bed. “Wherever the fuck I want you to be.”
“Mmm… yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
We spent most of the weekend inside since it stormed. I didn’t mean to spend as much time with her, but I wasn’t going to reject it either. I welcomed her company. It was easy to enjoy and brought happiness my way, too. Sunday, I worked in bed while she watched some reality show. That wasn’t my thing, and it was easy to get things done when I wore earbuds and blocked everything else out. I still got to see her wiggle when she inched closer, smile when something intrigued her, and feel her warmth next to me. It didn’t get much better than that. And when she wanted attention, she let me know. Meanwhile, she brought me snacks, kissed me whenever she wanted, and even cuddled my legs. It was the kind of shit I could easily get used to.
Thanks to Kelly, I’d have to go back home to show a few houses and to look at a few condos for myself that she’d arranged. I needed a few course materials for the apartment and would have to stop by there as well. Most of what I was doing was research and playing matchmaker with houses and owners. Taking what they needed and finding the closest thing to it to make them happy. For some of them, it included getting them better financing to cover the extra things they wanted.
The part I was least looking forward to was looking at the condos for myself. I was still tossing the idea around about finding a new place or keeping the old one. Looking at the possibilities felt wrong because I hadn’t decided. The old place was filled with memories of my previous life, but a new one meant breaking everything in again to adjust to my needs. Losing some amenities was a possibility that sucked when I’d been lucky enough to find what I wanted in the one I had now.
It’s time for a change.
That was true, but did that mean uprooting my life and settling for the second choice? I didn’t know. But since I was leaving this Friday after class, I didn’t have much time to figure that out now, did I?
I was driving myself crazy. There was a recurring whispering in my head stating Ezra and Tammy were living together. If that was the case, why had he lied to me about their relationship? He was away for the weekend handling business. I couldn’t help but to wonder if he was with her and if that was the “business” he was tending to.
While on the phone with him, I pretended that all was well because I’d wanted to have the conversation in person. He’d asked if something was wrong, and I told him the truth; I didn’t want him worried while he was away. We’d discuss it once he returned. Plus, I needed time to figure out how I felt about the situation, if it were true.
No matter how much I tried to fight the connection between the two of us, it was strong. I had nothing else to compare it to. It explained why I’d called my best friend for advice. Sampson was in the middle of his workday and promised to call me afterward. Until then, I had to occupy my mind so that I wouldn’t assume the worst.
I also decided on how I wanted to deliver my final project. Since I’d started back dancing, I’d been doing it every afternoon. It made me think about my job I’d had while in college. I’d been a burlesque dancer and loved it. I missed it often enough because I figured that I’d outgrown the idea. But dancing again had me debating about trying out for a few places. I’d have to figure out what to do about waitressing since it helped me pay for my stay here and provided me with other resources as well.
Walking around the grounds, I bumped into Elara from class, and we had lunch together. She was struggling with some of the things she’d talked to her assigned Domme about.
“You won’t judge?” she asked.
“Not at all. I’m the last person who can do that. Plus, we’re in a safe place. Talk to me.” I didn’t have a friend here, and it was past due that I did. Opening up and allowing people into my circle was another thing I was working on in therapy.
“I’ve always been into having multiple partners, but I’ve never liked the idea of sharing them with more people. She suggested that I create a multiple partner relationship where I have two or three men who are comfortable sharing me, but none of us are active outside of the relationship.”
“What do you think about that?”