Page 7 of Rousing Renee
“I don’t know,” I admitted.
“You can stay here, and I’ll find a place since we’re here because you loved it so much.”
“Let me know when you find something.”
“Can I have a hug?” she asked.
“I’m definitely not there, Tammy. Goodbye.” I closed the door behind me, ending this chapter in my life.
As much as I tried to remain strong, I was hurting in a big way. I kept my head up and continued walking to my destination.
Best friend–Landon.
Confirm short-term plan.
Go inside.
Pour drink.
Pour drink.
Pour drink.
Pour Drink…
Tomorrow I will pick up the pieces. Today, I’ll live in my woes, licking my wounds. That’s what I needed to heal from it all. When Landon asked me what happened, my response was simple.
No comment.
Ezra- Six months later
I smiled at the screen because one of the resident professors at Rawhide Ranch was unable to run his course this summer. I’d been asked if I could bump my Submissive Desires 101 course from the winter months to cover it. Hell yes! I was tired of sleeping at Landon’s apartment when mine was still occupied by Tammy. Her place was being renovated so she could move in, and since I wasn’t set on moving into something different, I adjusted so we could both get what we wanted. She had another month before she could move in. While that was inconvenient, this opportunity to teach would ease the irritation I was feeling.
I’d be living on the grounds for the duration of my teaching experience in my own apartment without worrying about overstaying my welcome with Landon. It was a win-win situation. I confirmed I could take the spot, and another email came through shortly after with the information for arrival. I’d start on Monday but was able to check in anytime between Friday and Sunday. That gave me three days to get my things together to plan the rest. If I got there on Friday, I could work on my syllabus over the weekend without being disturbed.
Saying a silent thank you to the universe, I got up and packed. It was finally time for that new beginning I’d been manifesting. I was going to trust the process and follow this new path without resistance.
Whatever was in store, I was ready.
I was past due.
After meeting with the Ranch owner, Derek Hawkins, he introduced me to his assistant, Erika. Though me and Derek went way back, it was nice to see him in this light–being the man in charge and bossing everybody around. It looked good on him. He was busy today, but I knew we’d get around to chatting. We tended to lose track of time when we hung out. Partly, because we didn’t get to do it often anymore. I lived in Seattle, and he was here at the Ranch. It made for visits being far and few between. Getting checked into the apartment she assigned me and getting my things put away was the easy part. It was more difficult for me to figure out what to do when I didn’t want to stay cooped up in my new place. It was late, and though going to the playrooms was an option, I wasn’t ready to mingle with anybody yet. Going to one of the restaurants allowed me to socialize as I wished without the pressure from the single ladies looking to scene.