Page 13 of Something New
Before she could stop herself, her attention fell on his lips, his always soft, perfect-sized lips. How did such a wide smile come from such a small mouth? Her mind battled with the desire to kiss him and the fear that if she did, it would mess everything up. The last and only time they’d kissed hadn’t panned out very well.
The night after her mom’s funeral, Dean had found her shaking beside the steps of the house while her dad packed her things. He’d begged her to stay, even invited her to live with him until graduation, but nothing worked. She was set on getting out of town. When she hugged him goodbye for the last time, he’d lifted her chin and kissed her. It’d lasted a second, but filled her from her head to her toes with excitement. Since they had never talked about it, Emilie chalked the kiss up to a friendly goodbye, even thought it was a kiss that had made her knees weak.
Behind his eyelids, Dean’s eyes bounced. A slight stubble shadowed his chin. She couldn’t sit still any longer.
In one swift movement, she scooted next to him on the bench seat. The movement didn’t stir him in the slightest. He looked so peaceful with his head tilted on the edge of the seat toward her. Aftershave and mint filled her nose. She moved her face closer to his. Heat swirled in her stomach at the thought of pressing her lips to his.
Before she could doubt herself, she plunged forward. At the last minute, she chickened out and pressed her lips to his cheek instead. His eyes startled open, and she backed away just enough to give him space.
“It worked.” Her voice did nothing to conceal her surprise. “It really worked.”
A dreamy look replaced his startled one. “What was that?”
Emilie laughed. “Your mom told me the only way to wake you up was with a kiss.” She paused as his eyes narrowed. “Don’t be mad. I was just doing what she told me.”
His eyebrows turned down, his expression more serious than before.
Crap. He didn’t approve. Emilie fumbled with the words to apologize. “Sorry, I shouldn’t ha—”
He reached for her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. His lips pressed against hers.
Emilie’s lips froze against his as a dozen thoughts filled her mind. What was he doing? Did he feel something for her, too? She stayed stoically in place, and he backed away. Panic filled her at the thought of repeating the same single kiss from before she left. No follow up. No meaning.
Before he could escape, she threaded her fingers through his hair and momentarily lost herself in the sensation of his soft lips against hers. Shivers of light whirled through her.
A knock sounded on the passenger door, and the two of them jumped apart. Mr. Gunther, the pharmacist from across the street, smiled brightly at them. Heat crawled up her neck, adding to the extra adrenaline pumping through her blood. The kiss had only lasted seconds, but left Emilie breathless.
Dean leaned out the window. “Evening, sir.”
“If it isn’t Dean and Emilie.” Mr. Gunther’s gray hair shook as he gave a jovial laugh.
Great, people would think she made out in cars with just anyone. Not that Dean wasn’t someone, he was just…Dean. She scooted far away from him.
“Heard you two got engaged. Glad to find out the rumor is true.” His eyes glittered in the fading light, and he chuckled while he waited for them to say something.
Emilie’s throat closed up, and the words died on her tongue. Dean turned to the old man. “Word gets around fast.”
While Mr. Gunther rattled on, Emilie tried to dissolve into the seat.
“Better get going.” Mr. Gunther ran a hand through his hair and gave a nervous chuckle. “Sorry about interrupting. I’ll see you two around. I expect an invitation to the wedding.”
Dean was quick to answer. “Will do.” He was having too much fun with the lie.
Emilie gave Mr. Gunther a half-hearted wave and stared down at the truck’s floorboard until she was sure he was gone.
After a few anxious seconds, she leaned over and slapped Dean’s leg. “What was that?”
His eyes danced in the fading light. “What? The kiss? Or the conversation?”
She crossed her arms and sat back against the seat. “Both.”
“We’ve got to make this look like the real thing. See, Mr. Gunther approved.”
Her heart pounded. The kiss had felt pretty real to her, not that she would tell him. Even though there was disappointment it had ended, there was also relief. If their kissing session had continued, their friendship would be in a heap of trouble. “Real, my foot. It won’t take long for people to figure out we’re not engaged.”
Dean’s smile slipped for a second. “Then we’re going to need a whole lot more practice.”
Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought of holding him close again. She tried to laugh it off. “Very funny.” Avoiding his gaze, she focused on buckling her seatbelt. “I think that’s all the practice you’re getting.”