Page 28 of Something New
“You knew?” The relief was apparent in Emilie’s voice.
Gail reached over and pried Emilie’s hand from her leg. “Nothing to claw yourself over, honey.” Her legs were red but thankfully not bleeding.
“And you’re not mad?”
Gail shrugged. “Why should I be? Finn has taken care of her since she left. Oh, she’ll say I kicked her out, but when I refused to pay for her shopping sprees and all of her debt, it was her choice to leave. She’s my daughter, and I’ll always love her, but I don’t agree with how she’s living her life. Tons of debt, living off her fiancé, constantly using people. I’m surprised Finn hasn’t seen past her dishonesty.”
Guilt pricked Dean’s conscience. He’d been a part of Ava’s bad decisions.
“So how long are you going to let this fake engagement go on?” Gail’s question tore him from his thoughts. He didn’t dare answer that one.
Emile took a taste of her drink and shrugged. “We’ll probably have some dramatic breakup after the wedding.”
Dean raised an eyebrow, glad her playfulness had returned. “And miss out on ruining Ava’s wedding?”
Gail smirked. “Now, don’t do that. You’ll look like trash in front of the whole town.” She turned to Emilie and sighed. “Dean told me you met with Ava yesterday.”
After another long drink, Emilie pushed the glass aside. “This Thursday Ava has her final dress fitting. She’d like you to be there.”
Gail sniffed and wiped at the clean counter. “She wants my money, you mean.”
Emilie propped her elbow on the counter and rested her chin in her hand. “I hoped she’d changed.”
Gail reached across the bar and caught Emilie’s hands. “I do believe people can change, but some things never do. I know how much she wants me there, or else she wouldn’t have gotten you involved. Let me think about it, okay?”
A smile tugged at the edge of Emilie’s perfect lips. “Thanks for considering it.”
“Now,” Gail said, “let’s talk about something more pleasant. Tell me about your plans for the dance studio.”
Dean smiled when the conversation steered away from Ava for the remainder of the visit. Emilie shared her to-do list for the following week, and Dean’s mind wandered. If Gail couldn’t be fooled, how would they be able to convince others? If rumor got out they’d lied, that wouldn’t help Emilie’s new start. He had to make things look real.
After Dean endured a long session of girl talk, they said their goodbyes. He led the way to their vehicles. “It’s dinnertime. Do you have plans?”
She put her hands in her dress pockets and turned to face him. A surge of attraction rolled over him, and he fought the urge to take her in his arms and embrace her.
“Since my kitchen is fully stocked now...”
Dean frowned. “You saw that, huh? Glad I didn’t wake you up.”
“Thank you. You even bought the right kind of apples. Did you bring them this morning?”
He pulled out his keys and dangled her house key. “You want to take it back? I have been a little intrusive.”
She rubbed a hand down his arm playfully. “No, you’ll need it to finish the repairs on the house. And I kind of like you having it, you know, for an emergency.”
Tingles rippled along his arm. Could she be developing deeper feelings for him, too? He was too scared to even hope, but he did anyway. “I’m going home to fry up some fish, but if you don’t want any—”
“I never turn down free food,” she interrupted.
Score! She’d taken the bait without more prompting.
He pictured sitting across the dinner table from each other. Eating meals together for the rest of their lives was his dream come true.
Emilie returned home from her first day of work completely exhausted. Thirteen previous families re-enrolled in dance classes, and she still had a lengthy list of potential clients to call. She needed a nap.