Page 45 of Something New
“Sounds great.” Emilie slipped an arm around Dean’s. “You love golf, don’t you, honey?”
Golf was one of Dean’s least favorite things to do. He tensed, making Emilie giggle. It was forced, but a step in the right direction. They both needed to lighten up and have fun again.
Finn nodded. “All right then. I’ll meet you in the golfer’s lounge later.”
The receptionist gave Dean two room keycards and directions to the elevator.
The lobby quickly filled with Finn’s family, a lot of them familiar to Emilie. It was natural to greet them when they waved to her, but she kept a strong grip on Dean’s arm and only smiled when they acknowledged her.
“Should we go?” Dean asked, less gruff than before. Emilie nodded and bounced after him toward the elevator.
They rode in silence to the third floor. Her heart raced as their room number came into view. Dean opened the door, and Emilie scooted inside. There was a lovely view with big wide windows. One side of the room showed off the golf course and the other the pool area. The hotel even had an artificial beach to lay out on.
A half wall separated the room with the king-sized bed and the leather sectional. They wouldn’t be sharing much of a room after all. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
When the door clicked closed, Dean walked to her, a question in his eyes.
Oh! She knew without having to ask, and for once, she wanted to nip everything in the bud. “Before you ask anything, I want to say this. I’m upset that you think I have something for Finn, a practically married man. Those days are long gone, Dean.”
He didn’t look convinced. “How can I be sure?”
“Darn it, I want you!”
Oh! Emilie covered her mouth. Saying the words had released a tight rubber band wound around her damaged insides, banishing an ache she wasn’t aware of.
He stared at her with curious eyes. Oh, she was screwed, so very screwed. “What did you say?”
She shrugged. The words stuck in her throat.
After waiting a few seconds, he stepped even closer and stroked her cheek once. An electric charge coursed through her blood while he studied her. He bit his bottom lip and touched his nose to hers. Heat filled her cheeks, and his woodsy, minty smell enveloped her. She closed her eyes and turned her head so her lips grazed the side of his cheek.
Emilie’s phone buzzed, startling them. She jumped back, putting space and cool air between them. A text from Ava to hurry down to the spa. Blood pounded in her ears while she stared at the text. What now? Her courage wavered, and she grabbed for her suitcase handle.
“I’d better change if I’m going to the spa.”
Dean nodded, and she left him on the other side of the dividing wall, dragging her suitcase behind her. When he was no longer in sight, she rested her head against the wall and focused on breathing in and out. It had been the right choice—a scary but amazing confirmation of their chemistry.
Finn’s touch was an amateur spark next to Dean’s electric current. She grinned and buried her head in her hands. This week was going to be so good.
Dean changed into a pair of black slacks he never wore and found a hat in his luggage.
Finn had been on the high school golf team and dabbled with playing professionally. Dean didn’t stand a chance against him. At least Finn had failed at getting the right girl in the end. Dean peeked around the side of the room and saw Emilie pulling back her hair in a tight ponytail.
Her face was still flushed from their moment only minutes ago. Her lips had touched his face. Had it been a slip? No, it was practically a kiss. Wow, she actually almost kissed him. On purpose! The woman he couldn’t let go. Had she taken the risk, he would’ve claimed her mouth and never let go.
He scratched his head. Too many times he’d jumped the gun and been disappointed. For once, he decided to let things be. She’d have to make the next move.
“I’m heading out.” He tapped on the wall. “Thought I’d hydrate at a bar before I lose.”
Emilie peeked around the corner. “Do you want to meet me here later so we can go to dinner together?” Her smile was tentative and beautiful. If only he hadn’t wasted their time in the truck.
Warmth spread through him. All he wanted to do was scoop her in his arms and love her. He took a step forward, wanting to apologize right then. Another step. Just as he lifted his foot to take another one, he imagined her saying the friend word. If she called him her best friend again...