Page 5 of Something New
His scent drew her in, wrapping around her senses, pulling her closer… She took a step closer then stilled as she forced herself to focus. “By local food, you mean Busy Bees, right?” She shifted from foot to foot as she waited for an answer. Yummy, greasy food would be the perfect distraction from her house worries.
“You bet.” His mind reading had improved. “I guessed that would be where you’d want to go.”
The warm look in his eyes caused an unwanted flutter in her stomach. Stupid, foolish attraction! This was not a permanent move, and she didn’t want to hurt Dean by getting tangled up with him only to leave again.
He held up his keys and shook them. “Let’s go in my truck. It will give you a chance to soak in everything without a car full of your past with you.”
Annoyance pushed away any twinge of attraction she’d felt. Soaking in her hometown was the last thing she wanted. What she really needed was to go back in time and stop her mom from dying so everything would be in its rightful place.
“Busy Bees, we’re coming at ya!” Dean sang as he headed to his truck, jiggling the keys at her. She followed a few steps behind, thanking him for opening her door. He’d always been the perfect gentlemen.
When he joined her in the truck, his eyebrows pulled together. “No looking back, all right? Things are going to be better now that you’re home.”
His cocky grin reminded her of their earlier years. How could she forget how slap-happy positive he was?
“Your life is so easy. No wonder you’re always content.”
For a second, his smile slipped and worry crinkled the corners of his eyes. He started the engine and headed down the road. “If you say so. It’s been a while since we’ve really talked.”
To avoid staring at him, she fiddled with her seatbelt. She’d hit a nerve. All the years they’d known each other, their friendship mostly focused on her relationship issues. Had she neglected Dean in the process? Before she was able to muster an apology, his smile returned.
“Life’s pretty good now that you’re back. Let’s focus on getting you casting again.”
That was the old Dean she remembered. She slapped him on the arm playfully, not wanting to startle him as he drove. “Leave it up to you to tell a fishing joke. Sorry if that sounded rude. I’m sure you have your share of issues, too.”
“It’s all right. I’ve got a backbone like a whale. Things will be tough for a while, but you’ve gone through worse. Plus, you’ll have me by your side.”
Her thoughts twirled in circles, becoming more and more twisted. There was no taking back her decision to move to her childhood home, even if she wanted to. Now that she had no job, no apartment, and no other reason to return other than her desire to be anywhere else but Danvers, she couldn’t make herself do it.
The drive was longer than she remembered, maybe because passing each and every spot held a painful memory. They drove by the pond where they had ice-skated together with the neighborhood children. When the high school came into view, Finn popped into her mind. “Wonder how he’s doing?” she muttered to herself.
“Who?” Dean said. His eyebrows knit together. “I hope you’re not thinking about who I think you’re thinking about.”
Emilie forced a smile. “Uh…I’m not.” She dropped the subject and rested her head against the window. She definitely was thinking about her ex. With no closure before she had fled Danvers, how could she not think about him? Everything was too familiar. Why hadn’t things changed more?
When they left the city limits, she released a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. They drove closer to the coast, and she turned her attention to the water. Deep blue and as sparkly as ever. It would probably only be a matter of time before he invited her on his fishing boat or asked her to spend a day with him at the beach.
The old diner popped up in the distance, more like a trailer food stand with picnic tables set up in the gravel and dirt. The takeout diner made some of the yummiest burgers and sold the freshest fish caught by one of the best fishermen in town, who happened to be sitting next to her. Its claim to fame was not the meat, like most people said. Busy Bees specialized in making thin onion rings with so much flaky goodness that all other onion rings disappointed her.
She couldn’t help but smile when Dean parked in the crowded lot in the back next to the Busy Bees sign. She climbed out and took a deep breath, loving the combined smells of salty breeze, fresh fish, and fried food. Other than seeing Dean, nothing else put her in a better mood like filling her taste buds with goodness.
“Oh, I missed this,” she moaned when Dean joined her in front of the truck.
He smiled. “I figured. Let’s get you loaded with grease.”
Emilie’s stomach growled in response, the bowl of cereal she ate that morning long ago digested. They walked through rows of parked cars, her mind whirling the entire time. He kept a hand on her back, patting it occasionally. He probably wanted her to know she wasn’t alone. That gave her the courage to plaster a smile on her face when the owner came to the window.
“Mrs. Fran, how are you?” Emilie stepped forward and tapped the counter with her fingers.
Mrs. Fran’s face lit up, creasing with wrinkles. Her voice was softer than in previous years, reminding Emilie of the tiny tinkling of piano keys. “Why, Emilie, is it really you? I heard a rumor you’d be starting up the old dance studio again.”
The sharp stab in her rib cage returned and doubled in size. Would she let the town down when she sold the studio and left again?
Mrs. Fran left the window and came outside the little food trailer to give her a hug. “We’re proud of you, honey, Mr. Bill and me. We’re happy to see you move on to a new challenge.”
Emilie gazed into Mrs. Fran’s eyes and treasured every word. Would everyone else think the same? Maybe her decision didn’t matter as long as the people closest to her supported her.
She stepped back when Mrs. Fran gave her one last squeeze and hurried behind the counter once again to take their order. “Thanks for welcoming me back. I’ve been craving your food since I last ate it, and Dean suggested we come for lunch.”