Page 62 of Something Blue
He nodded. “She calls me at night when she’s lonely.”
“Did she move back to her hometown?”
Chase shook his head. “No, she likes her job too much. I think the time apart has been good.”
Sadie sighed. “Are you sure you made the right decision? I mean, you have feelings for her still, don’t you?”
“What? Of course. She was a total babe.”
Sadie laughed at his frankness. Chase had always been a little too shallow for her liking. But maybe there was still hope for Chase and Piper.
“No, but really, when we went back home and I had time to think about things, Piper only acts a little crazy at the beach. When we’re home and life hits us, she’s focused and kind and makes really good lasagna. I think the wedding really got to her. My head wasn’t in the right place, and when I started pulling away, it made her a little crazy.”
That made sense. If anyone tried to take Andy from her—not that she knew how she felt—Sadie would hate it! Chase had never been hers, and going after a one-sided crush had been a waste of time.
“Yeah, it’s crazy what we do for the people we love.”
“Speaking of love, how are you and Andy?” It was the first time he’d been mentioned all day. He chuckled as she stiffened in her seat. “That’s what I thought. Look, even though I don’t want to admit it, the two of you looked good together.”
“We started our relationship out rocky, and it’s been hard to decide if it’s worth it to continue.”
“Can you see your life without him? Because after a week of not being with Piper every day, there was no question how I felt. I’m just waiting until Piper gets her act together.”
Sadie had a hard time believing that would actually happen, but it wasn’t her mess to clean up. “Good luck to you.”
“And to you,” he said with a smirk. “Don’t be too hard on the guy. I am a tough competitor and probably scared him away.”
She laughed, knowing that was nowhere near the truth. If anything, he was trusting her to choose for herself.
The waitress brought their food, and Chase talked about his upcoming hockey tournament. When they had finished eating, Chase looked at his watch. “I better get going to the airport. My flight leaves in a couple of hours.”
“Do you need a ride?”
“Nah. I ordered an Uber.” He stood up and stretched, then headed to the front to pay. “It’s been nice to have some time to myself and to explore a new place, but I’m ready to get back to real life.”
She was, too. And that meant going after her heart.
Her heart pounded as she moved further away from Chase and allowed herself to think of Andy. Where was he? She wouldn’t even know where to look. She had called his phone several times, but he was probably still in his meeting.
Her phone rang with a call from Carrie. Sadie answered with a smile. “Just the person I need to talk to. Should I do it or not?”
“Do it. Always go for it.”
“Absolutely, now what did I just tell you to do?”
Sadie smiled at the worried tone in her friend’s voice. Whether or not Carrie told her to go for it, Sadie’s mind was set. She didn’t want a life without Andy.
“I’m going after Andy!”
Her friend laughed on the other line. “Well, it’s about dang time. Why are you talking to me then?”
Sadie sprinted for her car. “Good question. Talk to you later.”
Once she was in her car, she mustered up the courage to call his assistant.
“Tanner, I need to talk to Andy,” she said after he answered. “I need to see him right now.”