Page 44 of Whispering Waves
“No. It’s kind of like an omega-rejection reaction. A few of the girls had run into it when their alphas were holding out for proper matches. Usually in more affluent situations.” She gestured with her left hand. “It’s not too late. I can pay you back for the clothes, and you can probably return the swim gear.” She shrugged. “I do work for a living.”
He frowned.
“Do you need to phone a friend?” She got up, and it was a lot easier than the day before. “We have the storm today, and I probably can’t get Drake to take me back to the ferry until his next day off.”
He looked at her, and there was confusion in his face.
“You were probably told not to mark a lady until you ran it past your family, but I can’t keep sleeping with you if you don’t want to keep me. That just turns me into an opportunist. I just want to keep the clothes because they are pretty.”
He frowned. “When did this feeling overtake you?”
“It started last night. I just felt... sad. Not normal PMS stuff, either. I am not due for another week. It feels like you aren’t even here.”
“What about a few minutes ago?”
“Can I be honest?”
“It was pleasant, but when you were gone, it was like turning off a tap.” She smiled. “I understand you want to wait for your family to meet me, but I think I might hate you by then, so it’s best if I go back to the base once the storm is over.”
“You want to leave?”
She ran her hands through her hair and screamed. “I don’t know! I feel wrong! I feel hollow and sad, and you don’t want to keep me, and I can just go and take the...” She paused and froze. “Oh. Damn.”
Kimo’s eyes went wide.
“Nothing. It’s nothing. It’s not for sure. It’s too soon.” She whispered, “It isn’t supposed to be like that.” She started to cry and sniffle against his chest. Despite her losing her shit, when she wavered, he held her.
He held her close and stroked her back. “Whatever it is, we can deal with it.”
“How fast is the delivery system?”
“We can put a rush on something. Why? What do you need?”
“Pregnancy test.”
He sat back and then smiled, delighted. “I thought you had to be in heat.”
“I am a beta, and I was in a window in the last few days. So, right now, there is a little Nina-Kimo making its way to my uterus. I am not going to pop positive for a week or two at the earliest. I just did a count, and it would explain the panic.”
“Why are you panicking?”
She shook her head.
“I am reaching for you, and you aren’t there.” She swallowed. She opened her hands then got up and headed for the bathroom.
There was a trail down her inner thigh, and she turned on the shower and stood under it to get his scent off her. Maybe that would help.
He entered the shower and frowned down at her. “What are you trying to do?”
“Get your scent off. It might help to reduce what I am feeling.”
He sighed.
He spun her and moved her hair to one side. She slammed her elbow back, whirled, and hit him with two water jets out of her hands.