Page 7 of Whispering Waves
Tono held up his hand. “I will get it. What do we need?”
“The dessert, a big spoon, bowls, and spoons for eating.” She settled again and fought the urge to lean against Kimo.
Tono grinned. “And if I stay in there and eat it all?”
Drake muttered, “I will come in there and get it out of you.” He scraped his plate and sighed happily.
Kimo murmured, “So, what time to you wish to begin your certification?”
“I don’t know. What time would you like me?”
“Do you have a wetsuit?”
“I do, sort of. A boardsuit.”
“You don’t really need one to learn. Any swimsuit would be fine. Naked would be better, but I think that’s a little advanced for you. The first time you meet the ocean here, tradition indicates you should be naked.”
“Uh-huh. I am guessing that this is a rumour that the ocean has been putting around.”
Kimo chuckled. “Let’s just say I am eager to see your tattoo.”
“Oh, I get it. You still have to see it to confirm that it’s the right one.”
Tono came back with all the dessert stuff and started dividing it into massive portions.
Kimo grinned. “It’s been a while since I had a dessert.”
The mass of chopped fruit mixed with golden cake, pudding, and whipped cream was in a huge soup bowl. The spoon was huge, too, so she turned it around and ate using the handle.
She had eaten about a third of what was there before she had to put her spoon down. The table was silent aside from the clink of spoons on ceramic.
Kimo tapped her hand lightly, and she grinned and slid the dessert over to him.
Drake muttered, “Aw, really?”
“He asked first. There will be other desserts.”
Kimo murmured after swallowing, “And I will get them all.”
She raised her brows. “I thought you only came over to the station now and then.”
He smiled slowly. “My islands. I can go where I like.”
“Fine, but if you want to eat what you like, you have to bring groceries and recipes.”
He snorted. “I can cook.”
“Good, so next storm, you are hosting.” She smirked.
“Of course. There will be one later this week.” He lifted his head. “In two days. A big one. Put the shutters on the base.” He nodded and finished his second helping of dessert.
She thought about his appetite, blushed furiously, and then looked at Drake. “So, did you have a chance to look for Grandma and Grandpa?”
“Nope. Not yet, but it does explain how well we tan.”
She chuckled. “Do you mind if I poke around when I go shopping for supplies?”
“Look around all you like.”