Page 9 of Whispering Waves
“Yeah. That’s the deal.”
“Then, I am fine. I am going to go hunting for our grandparents while my data plan holds out.” She got to her feet.
Drake frowned. “I thought you were going to do that when you got to the islands.”
“I was, but I kept running into people I knew, and then the ferry was leaving.”
“Shit. Well, keep the usage to a minimum. You don’t want to break the bank.”
“I know, but it costs what it costs. If it takes away from my souvenir shopping, so be it.” She stretched. “I am going to brush my teeth and go to bed, so if anyone wants to mock me, they should get it out of their systems before I wake up.”
Drake paused. “Do you want me to wake you before we head out tomorrow?”
“No. I am going to sleep until I wake up. I am exhausted and am going to pretend that Kimo wasn’t here for dinner and didn’t figure out what I was.”
“You knew?”
“Oh, yeah. That isn’t the kind of thing you ignore, and when the waves on my back felt him, they formed a tidal wave.”
Tono and Reg blinked. “Huh. Like your brother, we aren’t particularly fancy alphas.”
“They are over-hyped. Interesting dinner. Thanks for the company.”
She headed to the room she had been assigned, washed her face, brushed her teeth, then crawled into bed, and passed out.
She heard the guys moving around and sat up, cupping her head in her hands. She grabbed her swimsuit and her wetsuit. She pulled everything on with some wet shoes, got her phone off the charger, and headed up to the kitchen.
Drake grinned. “It isn’t even dawn, Nina.”
“Well, you guys have the grace of water buffalos.” She got a cup of coffee and watched them have breakfast. She flinched when a plate of eggs was slid in front of her with a wedge of pineapple on the side.
“Uh, thanks.” She started eating and was still working on it when they all bolted out, and the boat started up. Nina finished her food, washed all the dishes, and double-checked her swimsuit. It was a sports suit and fitted her snugly. Nothing was getting out of that suit.
She wiped her palms on her thighs and grabbed her cross-body bag to hold her phone for her.
The sun was making its appearance when she finished walking down the outcropping, followed the path in the sand, and walked toward the house that could barely be seen through the trees.
“Oh, boy.” The house was heavy glass and up on a hill. He would be able to see the ocean from any room.
With a deep breath and her shoulders straight, she walked up the path that led to Kimo’s home.
The lights were off in the home, and when she knocked at the door, there was no answer.
She shifted from foot to foot and knocked softly again.
She heard a voice from the security camera. “The door is unlocked, Nerina, come on in.”
She paused and then pushed the door open. She took a few steps in, and Kimo called out, “Back here. In the kitchen.”
Nina walked into the kitchen and saw him leaning against the counter and drinking coffee. The thing that made Nina stop in her tracks was his swim shorts, which were all he was wearing.
She swallowed. “Uh, morning.”
He grinned. “Morning. You are up early. Eager?”
“The guys don’t walk softly.”
He nodded. “Ah. Got it. Coffee?”