Page 12 of Dare You
Arriving home, I headed straight upstairs to store the items I'd bought in my closet. Taking off my coat, I emptied my pockets of the receipts to put them in their respective bags with each gift, in the event something had to be returned. As I stared down at the white crumpled up register receipts, a smile pulled at my lips when I came across Sawyer's business card among them.
The smile widened and my core pulsed from my memory of the patient, hot stranger who had protected my feelings by taking a kiss in a mortifying situation. For a second or two I stared in disbelief at his card, turning it over and over in my fingers as I toyed with the idea of calling to thank him again. This is stupid, Billie. Get a hold of yourself.
Mentally admonishing myself, I quickly discounted this as a crazy idea and figured he'd think he had a new stalker in the hard-up woman he'd met in the rain if I did. With this thought came another—he'd likely left me his calling card because this was his expert way in dealing with abrupt endings.
As difficult as it felt to do, I crushed the card in my hand and tossed it in the trash with a small pain of loss in my heart. I decided, if nothing else, Sawyer had helped me confront my husband most spectacularly.
True to his word, Logan tried to call me the following morning. Instead of letting him gain control, like he usually did when tough decisions had been made in our marriage, I turned the sound off, let it ring, and sent his call to voicemail. Later that day, I deleted his message without listening to it. I was determined to stay in charge of my life and refused to let Logan inside my head.
Meeting Sawyer for that short space in time had made me feel empowered when I'd felt helpless. Afterward, I'd felt the tide had turned. Firing off a text, I told Logan all communication in the future would be through my lawyer until the divorce was complete.
My one-in-a-million chance meeting with a kind stranger had given me a new perspective on life. If it taught me nothing else, it showed me I could do hard things outside of my comfort zone when I felt the need to.