Page 59 of Dare You
Sawyer did not need gimmicks; he had sex appeal by the truckload. He only had to smile and run a hand through his hair to send their pulses racing and fan a fresh burst of screaming in a wave around the place.
As if he heard my thoughts, Sawyer sought me out in the crowd and when his eyes locked with mine, he winked. Most girls in front of me screamed and an argument broke out with the girls in front about whether his gesture was for one of them.
One girl turned to look at me like she knew it had been for someone else. She checked me out, and I saw the moment she dismissed me as the likely reciprocate for his singled out attention.
At the start of their set, I had felt self-conscious knowing I'd be one of the older people in the audience. I wasn't ancient, but most of DisKord's fans were in their mid-teens the to late twenties, and I felt a little odd standing out there on my own.
If I had thought that was bad, it wasn't nearly as embarrassing as standing in the line of their fans after the show who'd hoped to meet their idols. It hadn't occurred to me I'd have to negotiate my way back to the band. I had arrived with Sawyer, but I had nothing to prove who I was or any idea about what to do next.
Hordes of fans lined up at the double doors leading back to the room we'd vacated when the band had gone out on stage, and once I'd realized it would be no easy task to go back there, I stood awkward and embarrassed as I worried how I was supposed to get back to Sawyer again.
Standing aside from the crowd, I watched as they jostled each other in the hopes of getting an autograph or a handshake or maybe just another glimpse of the band.
Observing some of the girls' interactions with the security guys left me in no doubt they'd used whatever means necessary to their effort to get what they wanted.
With each minute that passed, I became less confident and increasingly unsure about what my next move should be. There was no way I could find the nerve to saunter up to the front and claim to be with Sawyer.
"Sorry, we've just been told there's no meet and greet tonight, dudes. The band has to move on to the next city and it's a long ride," the burly looking bald security detail hollered to the lengthening line that continued to form patiently at the back, and not nearly as patiently at the front.
Groans of dissatisfaction rippled through the crowd as the line gradually began to disperse and people headed toward the illuminated exit signs.
Unsure what to do next, I stood my ground and eventually saw the security guards glance over toward me. They put their heads together and, from the looks of things, they were quite openly discussing what to do with me. Meanwhile, I adjusted my clothing and continually swallowed.
"You need to head out, lady," one of them called out and tipped his chin toward the nearest exit behind me. Slowly I pulled myself straight and walked purposefully toward them.
"I'm with Sawyer," I stated, jutting my chin out and trying to sound authoritative.
Regarding me with suspicion, the two bouncers stared pointedly at one another and looked back at me.
"Sawyer?" he asked like he had no idea who I was talking about, but they didn't fool me because I knew they knew exactly who he was.
"Yes, my … boyfriend." One of the guards scoffed while the other looked on in surprise. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"And Sawyer knows you're his …"
"There you are, Billie. Sorry, baby, I was stuck in the middle of an argument between Hammer and Wiggy." Relief flowed like a tidal wave through me as I heard Sawyer's welcoming voice and looked back at the guards. They both looked sheepishly at one another and unfortunately, I didn't have to be a mind reader to guess at what they thought— I was too old to be Sawyer's woman.
"You were incredible up there," I told him with a huge grin on my face, totally ignoring both the guards.
Striding toward me with a huge beaming smile, he stopped and bowed, winked, and nodded his head before grabbing me by the hand. "I know, right? We're the bomb," he replied, not an ounce of modesty in his tone, yet I still knew he was joking. "We're not staying on the tour bus tonight," he told me, his bright eyes shining from the high of being on stage. "I know you hate it and I won't take you back there again. Let's go. There's a car waiting to take us straight to a hotel right next to the airport."