Page 22 of Dare Me
Colby’s eyes flashed to his mom’s then back to mine. He climbed onto the stool next to me and I grabbed his forearm to ensure he didn’t fall over. “Okay … better. Dad and I went for a hike, but he spent most of his time on his phone arguing with Poppy.”
“Arguing?” Billie asked, her mouth suddenly set in a line so as not to express her displeasure.
“Yeah, she didn’t come home on Friday night, then came home for breakfast and left again, but it was better because it was only me and Dad.”
“What about today?” Billie probed.
“I never heard anything today. Dad didn’t call her, but she didn’t come back while I was there.”
Billie snatched her phone from the counter. “Sawyer can you and Colby order some chicken and greens for me, please? I have to make a call, I won’t be long.” Without waiting for me to answer, she left the house through the garage door and I knew she was fuming because Colby had been subjected to more distressing issues between Logan and his partner.
Kids take in a lot more than the adults in their lives give them credit for and Colby relayed a strained relationship between Logan and Poppy. Although she was around my age from what Billie told me, Poppy had decided after years of academic study she wanted a little more from life.
Apparently, one of her friends had moved to New York City and had persuaded Poppy to go clubbing for the first time. After realizing what she’d been missing, the academic woman had turned into some kind of party animal.
Colby had gleaned enough to know that while he was there, Poppy hadn’t come home from a nightclub. Apparently when Logan had challenged her about this, she left him to entertain his son and went to stay at her friend’s place for the weekend.
Billie was naturally pissed about this, but I found myself defending Logan for once when I told her she couldn’t blame Logan for Poppy’s behavior. When she’d calmed down she accepted I was right.