Page 67 of Dare Me
The moment she reached me she leaned forward, her tits at eye level, and the smell of her cheap perfume almost knocked me out. I coughed and winced, remembering what I had in my pants. In my peripheral vision I saw Billie glance at her phone and open the app and I steeled myself for what she may do.
“Oh. My. Gawd,” the girl said, punctuating her words. “I feel like I’m in a dream,” she added standing way too close for comfort.
The sudden change in pace made my body recoil and I almost head-butted her as I turned to look at Billie and widened my eyes in both fear and surprise.
“Forgive me, darlin’,” I mumbled trying to keep her attention on me and off the device which I felt was sucking the life out of my dick. “Th … this is my wife, Billie,” I stuttered, my voice sounding oddly higher and shaky, with Billie’s ministrations on the app. My cock went from zero to hero from being sucked slow and rhythmically by the vibrator to the much more forceful suction mode she had selected. Ms. Collagen wasn’t impressed by my intro and glanced at Billie like she didn’t matter, said nothing, and turned to look at me again.
“Where are you staying?” she asked, unperturbed by the fact my wife was sitting next to me.
“Nowhere you’d know, we’re not staying in town,” I replied politely. Getting the message she moved on to Wiggy, who was delighted for her carnal attention. Billie slowed the speed of the Max and my relief was instant. I lasted another five minutes and most of the fans responded positively to my introduction of Billie, but the few who behaved disrespectful were shot down in seconds.
“Oh. Sawyer, baby,” a girl suddenly shouted hysterically and shot out of the line in my direction. She flung her arms around my neck and Billie turned up the suction full-bore making me shoot from my sitting position to stand.
“Fuck me,” I called out, and the crowd around us erupted in laughter and I realized they thought I was responding to the way she had greeted me. Turning away from her, I gripped the arm of the couch and shook my head in a desperate plea to Billie. Unfortunately, I had been less than forgiving when she was close and Billie returned the favor.
Trying to look normal while in a standing position and coming was a virtually impossible thing to do, so I feigned illness and dropped to my knees, resting my head on the edge of the couch.
“All right folks, there’s nothing to see here,” Hammer shouted, signaling for security as Billie turned the contraption off. I sighed deeply and ran my hand through my hair, partly to ensure the top of my head was still there.
The force of my orgasm almost knocked me out, but when I thought about it, I guessed it had been the result of being kept on the edge for so long, trying to maintain a normal appearance, and trying not to let people find out what the fuck was happening to me.
Watching the room being cleared, Billie sat quietly, her hands in her lap, her phone tucked beneath them. “I’ll get you back,” I mumbled, as I stood up. Immediately my eyes shot toward her when I felt the same tingling feeling in my groin as before.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” I snapped, grabbing her phone away from her and turning off the app. Billie cracked up laughing, rolled sideways onto the couch, and laughed so infectiously she had the rest of the band laughing.
“I’m going to take a leak,” I mumbled as I made my exit to the restroom and took the damned thing off. Opening the toilet, I dropped the contraption on the floor, I cleaned myself off as best as I could and, pulled the handle. Stripping out of my jeans I had a quick wash and pulled on some fresh pants.
When I thought I looked decent again I glanced in the mirror and saw what I’d seen a thousand times before. A guy freshly sated by a woman, yet in this instance she‘d gotten me off without actually laying a hand on me.
Picking up my dirty jeans and the Max, I washed the device in the sink and threw the damned thing in the trash; there was no way on earth I was dealing with that again. By the time I made my way back to the green room my wife was chatting with my bandmates.
Initially when they all looked at me strangely, I wondered for a moment if she’d told them what we’d done, but it was Billie and I knew she hadn’t the balls for that. Strings broke away from the group, strode toward me and put an arm around my shoulder with a worried expression on his face.
“Jeez, Saw, you gave us a fright, are you okay, dude?”
“Yeah, I just got the most terrible cramp in my groin,” I blurted out. It was the first thing I could think of. Billie smirked.
“Fuck me, I hope you don’t have a hernia. My dad had one of those and was laid up for a month while it healed. Apparently if it strangulates it can kill you.”
“You’re one cheery fuck, do you know that, Strings?” Hammer shot back.
“I think it may have been the salmon I ate for lunch,” I lied again. I hadn’t eaten salmon for almost three years, but they had no clue about that.
“You think you can make it to the after-party at the Four Seasons? This contact I met said RedA was looking for some new support acts for their tour next year. It would be an amazing opportunity if we could bag it.” Strings was desperate for regular money. I couldn’t blame him since he was the most ambitious of us all.
“Don’t worry, Strings, I said we’d be there, and we will. Let’s head there now, and if it’s okay I’m going to duck out after a couple of hours. Billie and I only have one more day before she heads back to New Jersey on Sunday, and we have a gig tomorrow night.” When I saw the relief on Strings’ face, I knew we as a band had to be careful to give better support, or we’d eventually lose him to another one.