Page 59 of Resist Me
Josh pointed at Ronald as if to say, ‘you know what I mean’ before he continued by addressing me. I picked up my glass of champagne and took a sip when all eyes fell on me. “All I’m going to say, Tricia, is you’re welcome because if I hadn’t taken James under my wing all those years ago, you may have married The Hamptons last virgin.” I sputtered and almost choked on my drink when I laughed at his joke.
“I think that you have that statement back to front, if it hadn’t been for me—” James began humorously defending himself.
“You really want to go there?” Josh warned, interrupting him with a scoff, “don’t goad me, man, you would hate what’s behind these lips.”
James cracked up laughing and shook his head. “You win, I concede,” he replied, mocking a shocked face and holding up his free hand in surrender. They shared another smile, and Josh patted James on the back before he turned to look at our guests again.
“Okay, now for the sentimental part of this gig,” he told them, straightening up and smoothing his hand down his shirt, clearly enjoying being center of attention. “I’ve known this man since he was a boy of six years old. It would be an understatement to say we have been through a lot together. At one time I’d have had the confidence to say I knew his every mood, could anticipate his thoughts and responses, and how to support him. In short, I was blessed the day he became my friend. Now everything I’ve said was true … until the day he met Tricia, apart from the being blessed part, which is true to this day.”
“You’re jealous of my wife?” James asked in a mocking tone, feeding into what we both knew was going to be a heartfelt sentiment.
“Of course, I’m jealous. Look at her, she has anatomy I can’t begin to compete with,” Josh replied in a rare moment hilarity, when his true personality shined through. Everyone in the room erupted in another bout of laughter, including the waitstaff. “But that’s not what I meant. Most people know it took you both years since you first met before you eventually submitted to your feelings for one another. And as two people with fiercely independent ways of life, submission is the appropriate word.”
James and I looked to one another and I knew James had confided his feelings toward me to Josh.
“However, I can pinpoint the day your wife stole your heart, because it changed you forever. You became broody, serious, and restless, and you often appeared troubled. At first, I thought that change in attitude had been your new career in the office or Sawyer getting married, and your competitive streak had taken a hit. It was only after you and Tricia finally dated, and I saw some of the old James drifting back, that pieced it all together.”
Josh addressed our guests, “I, like James, believe Tricia is his other half, the woman of his dreams and I couldn’t be happier for them. I once asked if she had a sister, but I was sad to learn Marnie had already been taken … so, Marnie, anytime you want a change of scene,” he mumbled through the side of his mouth and pointed at his own fine physique. To my surprise Franco shook his fist at Josh in a good-humored threat.
Josh glanced around the room and sighed. “All right, I think I’ve gone on long enough. The kids are getting bored and restless, and I’m wasting valuable drinking time talking.” The children cheered and Josh signaled an okay sign toward them with his fingers.
“I’m sure you’ll all agree with me when I say James and Tricia deserve all the happiness their future lives together can give them, so without further ado, would you please rise to your feet and raise your glasses in a toast to the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Wild.”
Our families stood and did as he asked, saying in unison, “Mr. and Mrs. Wild,” each sipped a drink, placed it back down, cheered, and applauded loudly. James turned to look at me, swept his hand behind my neck, and pulled me in for kiss. It was slow and gentle, not long, but intimate and then he whispered into my ear, “I love you, Mrs. Wild.”
Leaning back, he studied me with that same intense stare I’d fallen in love with. “You have the most incredible eyes, Mrs. Wild.”
“Thank you, husband, I love you.” My heart clenched when I called him husband and he rewarded my declaration with a wide toothy smile.
“I love my wedding band,” he said, releasing his hand from my neck to look at the ring on his finger and it made me chuckle. “What? I’ve never worn a ring before,” he replied innocently, and I grinned.
“At least we have that as a first.” Given our age we hadn’t found many of those. James laughed, pulled my head to his chest, and kissed the top of it. “We knew if we dug deep enough, we’d find one. You look stunning today, you always look beautiful, but this dress, the way you left your hair down for me, the bare feet … Can I confess I got a boner when I saw you walk toward me today?”
I nodded. “My core may have clenched a time or two, seeing you barefoot in this suit and the tie loose around your neck. Very sexy, Mr. Wild.”
“Glad I still turn you on because you’re stuck with me now,” he muttered and kissed the shell of my ear.
“Are you skipping the dancing and going straight to bed or what?” Josh butted in, with an amused note of sarcasm in his tone.
“Dance,” James muttered gruffy, “and no wonder you’ve never found a woman of your own if this is your sense of timing, it’s equivalent to pre-ejaculation.” I watched Billie usher the children outside toward the beach, trying to pretend she wasn’t listening.
Josh snickered and I turned my attention back to him. “And you’d know all about that right?” I loved the easy banter they had between them and Josh’s comment made me laugh.
James laughed heartily and slapped Josh on the back. “You’re ridiculous.” I laughed at the wide grin on my new husband’s face.
“And a cockblocker—ridiculous and a cockblocker,” Josh clarified, glancing at me with a wink, and then nodding toward Harriett. “But that’s only because I’ve got your back and I’m trying to prevent you fucking your new bride in front of your mom,” Josh said, in a low quiet tone before returning to normal volume. “There’s no need to thank me on that front as well, I’m the best man,” he added, like he had truly believed there had been a genuine risk of James doing that.
“Everything all right?” Billie asked, arriving back after taking the girls outside.
“Yes, perfect,” I told her, smiling.
“It was rather. I love that you married exactly how you wanted, in bare feet on the beach. That’s so romantic … and that dress,” she sighed, as she cast her eyes over me again.
“Yeah, that dress,” both James and Josh said at the same time.
“Oye,” James remarked in a mock scowl toward Josh.
“I know, I know, get your own, Josh … but the sister is married already, and she’s an only child,” he threw back, nodding toward Billie.