Page 25 of Unholy Matrimony
Lenya’s father has a tight grip on my hand as he dances with me on the floor. “Was the wedding to your liking, Kalina?” he spins me around. “Yes, very much. Thank you for putting it together, Mr. Borisov. I am grateful.” Something about him makes my stomach turn.
He reeks of alcohol. It reminds me of my father when he would get drunk. “Has my son been treating you right?” as he pulls me close to him. He whispers in my ear, “Did he keep you a virgin for the wedding night, or did he already take that from you?” I want to vomit. Listening to this man talk about my virginity makes me sick.
“Do nothing to alert your husband Kalina, wouldn’t want him making a mess of your wedding party. You listen here, and you listen good goddamn it. You may now be his zhena15, fulfilling his obsession with you. But make no mistake, he is my syn16 and will do everything I tell him to. You will not try to pull him away from his responsibilities in my business.” His emphasis is on business.
“I understand,” is all that comes out. I revert to my old self and become the obedient girl I am.
“Good. Mention nothing to Leonid and all will be fine.” He smiles as he pulls me close again, “Now go back to my son and be his good little whore, and tonight when you give him what he wants, hopefully, he won’t be so pussy obsessed.”
I walk away from Igor and make my way back to Lenya. Once in front of him, he takes me in his arms and kisses me. When our kiss breaks, I see him staring across the room at his father. “What did he say to you, Tsvetok17?”
“He just wished us a blessed marriage,” knowing I don’t sound very convincing, “Please Lenya, let's just finish up reception and leave. I just want to be with you.”
The rest of the reception flies by, with us cutting and serving the cake being my favorite part. We cut the cake together and I go to feed Lenya a bite. The look he gives me as the cake passes his lips is pure seduction. Our eyes stay connected as he feeds me my bite. Some frosting remained on my lips. He leans in and kisses my lips. I am not even thinking about all the people that are watching us right now. He pulls away, using his thumb. He cleans up the remaining frosting, leans back in, and says, “I prefer the taste of you, malyshka18. What do you say we get out of here now?” I swallow and nod.
“Thank you, everyone, for coming and celebrating this wonderful day with us, but my zhena19 is tired and ready to rest. Continue to have a good time or you can go home and do the same! We will see everyone at Liturgy on Sunday.” Lenya grabs my hand and we make our way to the front doors of the church. I can hear some men talking as we pass them.
“Poor girl thinks she is going to ‘rest’. No rest is going to be happening, let me tell you. You saw the way they have been looking at each other.”
Well, they are not wrong. I don’t want to rest. I don’t think Lenya does either, with the urgency he has in getting us out of here.
We make it to the front steps of the church. Oleg and Ilya are waiting by a new black car. Oleg hands Lenya a set of keys. “All gassed up and ready. Have a good night brat20!” They shake hands. Lenya turns to me, guides me to the passenger side, and holds the door open for me. I sit down. He reaches in and buckles me. “Safety first, moya zhena21 ,” he leans in and kisses my lips, “I'll never tire of kissing you.” He walks back to the driver’s side and talks with the twins briefly, then opens his door and climbs in.
“Where are we going? Home,” I inquire with a raised brow.
“Net22. I wanted this to be special, so I taking you to Kolomna to get away for a few days. Like a small honeymoon.” He reaches over to hold my hand, and I now realize we have an almost 3-hour drive ahead of us.
“Lenya, while I appreciate you setting this up, I just want you to take me home.”
He smiles, “Is that so, Tsvetok23?” the car starts, and he takes off. I take a moment to realize he is taking the roads that lead back to our home. “You're not just being impatient? Can’t you wait three more hours?”
“Net,24 now take me home,” I urge.
“As you wish, lyubov,25” as he hits the gas and speeds up.
1. flower
2. Yes
3. Flower
4. No
5. My lion
6. wife
7. I love you, wife.
8. I love you too husband
9. my lion
10. Wife
11. Congratulations, brother