Page 54 of Unholy Matrimony
I think about how right Oleg is. “I know, but what other options do we have? If we don’t do something, it could fall back on us, specifically. I don’t know about you, but I would like to meet my child. I don’t want to die because my father made a terrible decision.”
Ilya sits back in his chair. “We could kill Yuri?”
“Chertov idiot5,” Oleg says under his breath. Ilya laughs, “You call me an idiot when it makes the most sense. Think about it. We kill Yuri; we take over his men and his territory. It works out. Igor might even cut you some slack.”
I lean over to Oleg. “Has he always been this stupid? Or are we just now noticing this?”
Oleg chuckles, “Since birth. Where the fuck have you been?”
I sit back and listen to the twins bicker back and forth about little things. I gave thought to what Ilya proposed. While it is fucking stupid, it would take care of an immense problem and better the Borisov Bratva. Yuri has never been a friend, so it wouldn’t cause a huge rift. The problem lies in the fact that he has a shit ton of loyal men.
The three of us can’t kill everyone. I am so tired of having to clean up my father's mistakes. We need to figure this out and have it have the best possible outcome. Whether that is Yuri dying or patching the relationship.
We finish up in the cafe, and part ways. I make my way back home, having not heard anything from my father. When I walk into my home, I immediately feel a sense of peace.
Lina has done a wonderful job of turning this place into a home. It looks lived in now. Alina gets to rest more, as Lina likes to do some things on her own. I put my foot down when I came home to Lina, scrubbing the shower. Anything having to deal with chemicals, I have told Alina to handle.
I peek into the nursery, and there is no sign of Lina. Our bedroom door is closed, so I open it as quietly as possible. It’s pitch black in the room. The sound of Lina’s breathing can be heard. I close the door and make my way into my office. I take the bottle of vodka from the cart and pour myself a glass. Before I can even get comfortable in my chair, a soft knock catches me.
“Good Evening, Leonid,” Alina says, “I can have something ready for supper in about an hour. Ms. Lina is feeling well, so she went to lie down about an hour ago.” I set my glass down and walked across the room, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
“That’s fine, nyanya.6” She looks up at me with a smile on her face.
“That’s a name I have heard since you were a tiny boy.” She smiles.
“Well, you had better get used to hearing it again. Soon there will be another little one here.”
She walks back to the door, to head to the kitchen, “Oh trust me, I know. Soon you will too. You had better be a good Papochka7, too. You will change the nappies and get up when they cry.”
An hour later, I head into our room to check on Lina. It’s about six in the evening and she needs to eat. I bend down, kissing her cheek. Whispering, “Moy prekrasnyy Tsvetok8, it is time for you to get up. You need to eat something for nash malysh9,” Lina stirs and then stretches out.
“Lenya? When did you get home?” She yawns. I stroke her hair. “A little over an hour ago,”
I kick my shoes off and crawl into bed behind her. “Alina said you were feeling sick today?” She turns around and buries her face into my neck. She takes a deep breath in, taking in my scent. “I’ve missed you. The home health nurse had to reschedule my infusion for tomorrow, so I am feeling a little off. They help with keeping me hydrated and make it to where I can eat.”
This pregnancy is tough on Lina’s body. The doctor was hopeful the hyperemesis would go away by the second trimester, but it seems like it's getting worse. The doctor had to raise her daily medication, and the infusion did not last as long.
I move from behind her and scoot to the edge of the bed. “Come on, malyshka10. Let’s try to get you to eat something.”
“I have something you can eat,” she says, unable to keep a straight face. She burst into laughter. She sits up, leans over, and kisses my lips.
The smell from dinner lingers in the air and we are now sitting in front of the TV watching a drama. Lina seems very invested in it. I am watching the fire roar in the fireplace.
My phone goes off. “Da11,” I say. Ilya’s voice comes in choppy. “Brat12, we need you. NOW. Bring your shit with you. Mila is on her way over to stay with Lina.”
“BLYAT13! What the hell did you do?” I shout. I shift Lina's legs, go to the closet, and grab clothes. Putting the phone on speaker, I quickly pulled on my pants. “Is Oleg with you? What the hell is going on? Where are you guys?”
The sound of gunshots in the background is not comforting. “The compound, at the back of your father’s property. Lenya, it’s Yuri.” The phone cuts out and the signal drops.
That lights a fire under my ass, and as I am about to leave the closet, Lina appears. “Lenya, what is going on? Were those gunshots I heard on the phone?”
I walk over, kiss her on the lips, and move her aside. “Lyubov14, we can talk about it when I get back.”
She follows me across the room to my office. I strap into a bulletproof vest. As my gaze shifts upwards, I see a horrified expression on Lina's face. I pull my shirt over the vest and pull on a hoodie. Both of my guns are ready to go and in their holsters. She has tears falling.
I kiss her one last time and grab my bike keys. I put my gloves and jacket on. She watches from the steps as I hop on my motorcycle and fire it up. “YA tebya lyublyu15,” I shout over the sound of the bike.
“YA znayu. YA tozhe tebya lyublyu16.” she shouts back. After putting on my helmet, I revved up the engine and took off.