Page 6 of Tormenting Me
I close my eyes, trying to block out the sounds and the hunger. Hoping that tomorrow will bring a better day, where I won’t have to sneak around in search of food.
Chapter five
Bowen is finally in custody and Davis has been singing my praises for days now. To be honest, it’s getting on my nerves. I’m not one for praise in doing what I am paid to do. Unlike some people I work with, just leave me be. Let me do my job and you’ll get your results. While wearing my noise-cancelling headphones, I clean up the files scattered on my desk.
As I sit and meticulously file away folders and input any information into my desktop, I feel eyes on me. I shift my gaze from my computer screen to find Courtney staring at me. I pull my headphones to the side. “Something I can do for you?” I try to suppress the annoyance in my voice as she positions herself in the doorway.
“Everyone in the office is going out to celebrate tonight. Just some after-hours drinks and bar food. It would be amazing if you came out with us, you know since you’re the reason we are celebrating.” Her eyes look me up and down. This woman wants to eat me alive. She’d do anything I asked for a moment of attention.
“Sorry, I’ve got plans tonight.” I mumble in response. It’s not a lie. Layne and Atlas are going to a Gemini Syndrome show in Oakland. I plan on tagging along, well more like going to keep an eye on Layne.
“Oh,” the disappointment is heavy in her voice. “I was hoping you’d come. I’d love to get to know you.” She crosses the threshold of the door and stands next to my desk, resting her hand atop it. “You seem kind of lonely, and someone as handsome as you shouldn’t be.”
Don’t shit where you eat, Courtney.
“I’m not single,” I tell her. My words direct and to the point.
Courtney raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. “Oh really? And who’s the lucky person?” She leans forward, pushing her fake tits out to try to give me an eye full.
I pause for a moment, debating whether to reveal my personal life to her. But I quickly decide against it, I don’t need to prove anything to this woman who is just trying to fuck me. “That’s not something I discuss at work,” I reply curtly, turning my attention back to my computer screen.
She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Come on, don’t be so secretive. I won’t tell anyone.” Her hand brushes against mine, and I instinctively pull away, feeling a ripple of discomfort.
Glancing around the office, I’m hoping someone will come to my rescue, but everyone seems engrossed in their own tasks. Taking a deep breath, I meet Courtney’s gaze, my tone firm. “I appreciate the invitation, but I’m not interested. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”
She huffs in frustration and reluctantly steps back, her disappointment evident. “Fine, suit yourself. But don’t say I didn’t try. Whoever she is, doesn’t seem to do her job at keeping you happy.” With that, she turns and walks away, leaving me with a hint of anger but also relief that she is now gone.
As I continue my work, I can’t help but feel more annoyed and grateful. Annoyance at Courtney’s persistent advances and intrusion into my personal life, but also grateful for the boundaries I have established. I value my professionalism and prefer to keep my personal and work lives separate.
With my headphones back on, I immerse myself in my tasks, determined to finish before the end of the day. The thought of joining my colleagues for a celebratory night just didn’t appeal to me. I mean, they aren’t bad people, but I would much rather spend the time with Layne, even if she doesn’t know I’m there.
Four-thirty rolls around and I make a beeline for the door, scrambling into my car and racing home to change. I already know I’m going to get stuck in traffic leaving the city. As soon as I got home, I wasted no time in trading my suit for a more relaxed outfit – jeans, my go-to Metallica shirt, and sneakers. I quickly grab my hat, glasses case, and jacket before heading back down to the car.
I hit the gas station up before leaving the city, even though I’m pretty sure that gas is cheaper in Oakland, but I don’t want to stop before getting to the venue. I hop out to pay for the gas and grab a bottle of water and an energy drink for the ride home. The pump ticks away as I stand there. Once filled up, I put the nozzle back, print my receipt, and climb back in.
Just like I suspected, I get caught in the traffic of people who work in the city but live in the outer parts of the Bay Area. I strum my fingers on the steering wheel as Seether blasts through the speakers. Mindlessly singing along to the song, I look out at the bay from the lower level of the bridge. Calm on top, but I know it’s chaos underneath. Just like me.
As I continue my drive; the traffic clears up a bit, allowing me to pick up speed. Glancing at the time I realize that I still have a little over an hour before the concert starts. Feeling a surge of excitement, I turn up the volume on my favorite Metallica album and let the music drown out my thoughts.
The familiar lyrics and heavy guitar riffs transport me to a different world, where all my worries fade away. I find peace in the raw energy of the music, feeling a connection with the band and their passionate lyrics. It’s escapism that I desperately need after a long day at work.
When I approach the outskirts of Oakland, it’s slow twenty minute drive through the streets to get to the venue. I can see the lights of the venue in the distance as I wait in the queue of cars paying for parking. The anticipation builds, and I can feel the adrenaline coursing through me. I’m ready to immerse myself in the concert’s chaos, to let go of all inhibitions, and lose myself in the music. I can’t wait to see Layne. My mind wanders to what she is probably wearing tonight. A short black skirt, maybe a tight band tee, and some tights. I have to stop before I give myself a hard-on and have to wait in the car for it to go down.
Finally, I arrive at the venue, parking my car, and joining the sea of fans heading towards the entrance. The atmosphere is electric, buzzing with excitement and anticipation. I can hear the faint sound of the opening act roadies setting up the instruments , their riffs blending with the chatter of the crowd. Searching the faces of the concert-goers, I look for my girl and her best friend.
Making my way through the crowd, I find a spot at the tables at the back of the venue. The lights dim, and the crowd erupts in cheers as the opening band takes the stage. The energy is palpable, and I can’t help but let go of everything else, surrendering myself to the chaos of the music.
For the next few hours, I’m lost in the euphoric pull of the music, head banging along with thousands of other fans. The chaos of the concert matches the chaos within me, a cathartic release of pent-up emotions and frustrations. As I make my way back towards the bar to order a drink, and that’s when I see her.
Layne looks fucking gorgeous, her obsidian hair braided in tight French braids, a black mid-thigh skirt with no tights underneath, and a weathered Alice and Chains shirt. All I want to do is throw this girl over my shoulder, caveman style, take her out to my car and worship her. Or pull her into a dark corner and kiss her until we both need air.
“Let’s go check the merch before Gemini comes on,” I catch Atlas saying to her. Layne nods and they make their way to the entrance hall of the venue.
Forgoing the drink, I follow behind them. I watch as they peruse the merch tables. Layne’s eyeing a Gemini Syndrome shirt, but when she asks how much, she scrunches her face at the price and decides against it. Well, now I know what to get my girl. When they finish looking around, I hear Layne say something about the bathroom and they walk away.