Page 77 of Tormenting Me
Gavin stands up. “Come here, ya cheeky bastard.” He motions for Wes to come hug him.
Wes gets up and hugs his cousin, whispering something I can’t hear. When they sit back down, the mood is lighter. Our food gets brought over, and we dig into our meals. The laughter and warmth of the moment envelops us. It’s clear that this family, despite their quirks and occasional disagreements, is a tight-knit group that values love and connection above all else. I feel grateful to have found my place among them.
I raise my glass in a toast, expressing my gratitude for this newfound family and the love they have shown me. “To the Larimore’s, we’re a crazy bunch, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Wes and Gavin join in, clinking their glasses against mine, and we share a moment of pure joy.
Wes and I leave the restaurant hand in hand and are greeted by the bustling sounds of the city. Gavin walks on the other side of me. I can’t help but break into a smile, my heart filled with happiness. With this loving family by my side, I know that I am never alone.
Chapter forty-six
“You are a fuckin’ Eejit if you think that Frodo should have just said ‘fuck it’.” I shout, throwing my hands up at Gavin as we sit on the couch binging Lord of the Rings in the loft. I look over at Layne who is curled up in her favorite reading chair. She stares right back at me, eyes wide mouthing, “Wow.”
“All I’m sayin’ is he would have saved himself whole lotta trouble if he had simply decided to say, ‘Ya know what, I’ll sit this one out.” Gavin cackles as the look on my face as it turns into a snarl.
“How the fuck are we related?” I shake my head as I get up to grab another beer from the fridge. Stopping first to give Layne a kiss. “You agree with me, right Ma Petite Mort?”
“One hundred percent with you.” She snakes her hand around the back of my neck, pulling me back to her mouth.
“For fuhck’s sake, she’s already pregnant. Get a room.” Gavin huffs, throwing a pillow at my back.
“Your kind of in it.” Wes pulls back, motioning to the ‘loft’ as a whole, then laugh as I settle back onto the couch, my mind still buzzing with the debate about Frodo’s choices. Gavin and I, always at odds with each other, never missing an opportunity to argue when we’re together.
I glance at Gavin, who is still grumbling about the ongoing debate. He may not understand my love of Frodo and the Lord of the Rings, but that’s okay. We all have our own preferences and opinions. He may be wrong, but he’s entitled to that opinion.
With a last glance over at Layne, I say loudly, “Let’s continue our movie marathon, baby. You get to pick the next movie after Return of the King.“ She giggles and nods, her eyes sparkling with mischief. As we settle back into the couch, the familiar music of the film fills the room. Gavin groans as the last movie starts, Layne giggles from her chair.
Layne’s in the kitchen getting dinner ready while Gavin and I smoke out on the balcony. It’s warm out for May, so we’re going to eat dinner out here tonight. “So,” I turn to Gavin. “Why are you really in town?”
“Can’t just be to visit my Da and my wee sisters? Oh, and my favorite vigilante cousin?” Gavin smirks.
Yeah, he knows the family secret, too.
I give him a hard stare.
“Alright,” he says, taking a drag from his cigarette. “I met a girl the last time I was here. Single mom with a daughter. Her ex is a real piece of shite, and he mistreats her and the girl. Deals drugs and has beat on her in the past. She called me and told me he’s been at it again. So…” He stubs out the butt in the ashtray between us, blowing out a cloud of smoke. “I figured I’d come and take care of the problem. Larimore style.”
There it is. The motherfucker is in love and he came all the way back here to protect her. Very much in the Larimore way.
“Look at this.” I reach over and put him in a headlock giving him a noogie. “G-string’s in love.”
“For fuhck’s sake, Wes. Do you still have to call me that? We’re not fifteen anymore.” Gavin pushes me away and fixes his hair.
“You’ll always be G-string to me.” I laugh.
The door open and Layne walks out with three plates and silverware. “If you guys are done, can you go in and help grab the food?” Layne winces as she walks to the table off in the balcony corner. I motion for Gavin to grab the food and make my way over to Layne.
Taking the plates from her hand’s I look at her. “You okay?”
“I’m fine. It’s just an annoying cramp that I have had all day. Maybe I’m not drinking enough water?” Layne holds onto her side, and that’s when I notice the sheen of sweat across her forehead. I place my hand on her head and hold it there. She’s warm.
“Ma Petite Mort, you’re pretty warm. Are you feeling sick?“ I ask, looking her over.
Layne looks at me with concern in her eyes. “I don’t know, Wes. I just feel off. Maybe it’s just the weather or something I ate.” She tries to brush it off, but I can tell she’s not herself.
I take a step closer, gently touching her arm. “Let’s get you inside and sit you down. Gavin can handle the food.” I guide her towards the door, keeping a watchful eye on her.
As we make our way inside, I can’t help but worry. Layne rarely complains about feeling unwell now that she is around eight weeks pregnant, and her cramp seems more than just a minor inconvenience. I guide her to the couch, urging her to rest while I grab a glass of water.