Page 54 of Say You'll Stay
Alex shifts uncomfortably, running a hand through their artfully tousled hair. “Look, Cara, it’s not you. It’s just…” They trail off, gaze skittering away from mine.
Understanding clicks into place with sickening clarity. “It’s June, isn’t it?” I ask, voice flat and brittle. “He’s been scaring off my dates.”
The guilty flush staining Alex’s cheeks is all the confirmation I need. White-hot fury lances through me, warring with a traitorous curl of perverse satisfaction. The twisted, primal part of me revels in the idea of June wanting me so desperately, so completely, that he’d resort to such underhanded tactics.
Song lets out a low whistle, shaking his head. “Damn, sis. Your man is hardcore.”
“That’s some real alpha male romance novel shit,” Sonya chimes in, a wicked gleam in her eye. “Possessive, obsessive, borderline unhinged…”
“The perfect book boyfriend!” they chorus together, dissolving into giggles.
Even Mom can’t quite hide her smirk, though she tries to school her features into a disapproving frown. “Now, now, you two. That kind of behavior is hardly appropriate in real life.”
I know they’re right, know that I should be appalled and outraged by June’s actions. But a small, secret part of me thrills at the notion of being so utterly, consumingly desired. The kind of passion that transcends reason and propriety, that burns with the intensity of a thousand suns.
The kind of love story that rivals the most epic of romances, the most heart-wrenching of happily ever afters.
Shaking my head, I try to dislodge the dangerous train of thought. “You’re right, Mom. Twisted shit like that is best left to the pages of my favorite guilty pleasure reads.”
But even as the words leave my lips, I can’t quite extinguish the embers of longing smoldering in my chest. The traitorous whisper that maybe, just maybe, June’s brand of all-consuming devotion is exactly what I’ve been craving all along.
Alex clears their throat, drawing me back to the present. “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what’s been going on. I didn’t feel right keeping it from you.”
I nod, mustering a strained smile. “Thanks, Alex. I appreciate you telling me.”
We exchange a few more awkward pleasantries before parting ways, the weight of June’s specter hanging heavy between us. As we make our way to the car, Sonya bumps her shoulder against mine, a knowing glint in her eye.
“You know, as fucked up as it is, there’s something kind of hot about a guy being that crazy about you,” she muses, voice pitched low so only I can hear. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s totally toxic and problematic. But still…”
I snort, shoving her playfully. “You’re incorrigible, you know that?”
But even as I roll my eyes, I can’t help the tiny thrill that zips down my spine at her words. The forbidden allure of being someone’s entire world, their reason for breathing.
It’s a dangerous game, toying with the idea of June’s obsession. A Pandora’s box I know I shouldn’t even contemplate opening. But as we pile into the car, laughter and good-natured ribbing filling the air, I can’t quite shake the niggling sense that maybe, just maybe, I’m already in too deep to turn back now.
After all, every epic love story needs its fair share of drama and angst, right? The push and pull, the will-they-won’t-they, the all-consuming fire that threatens to burn everything in its wake.
Maybe June and I are just acting out our roles in the grand saga of our own twisted happily ever after. Maybe his brand of madness is the key to unlocking the passion I’ve been so desperately seeking.
Or maybe I’m just fooling myself, grasping at straws to justify the unjustifiable.
Only time will tell which way our story will unfold. But one thing’s for certain—I’m in for one hell of a ride.
Chapter twenty
The silence presses in on me, a physical weight bearing down on my skull. I pace the length of my cage masquerading as a penthouse, the plush carpet doing little to muffle the manic energy thrumming under my skin.
Bruises mottle my skin, my breaths coming in shallow rasps. The taste of copper lingers on my tongue. But it’s not the physical blows wracking my body that leave me shattered. No, it’s the memories that refuse to grant me reprieve.
Mother’s voice, dripping poison honey. “You will do your duty, Juniper. As a Deveaux heir.” Amethyst’s coy touches, her expectant looks that feel like sandpaper grating against my raw nerves. The phantom warmth of Cara in my arms, now nothing more than a haunting spectre.
I grasp my phone, thumb hovering over Judith’s contact. She’s the only lifeline I have left in this godforsaken family. But even as I press the call button, shame curdles in my gut. What kind of man am I, relying on my sister to fight my battles?
“June?” Judith’s voice crackles through the speaker, concern lacing her tone. “Are you okay?”
A bark of laughter rips from my throat, jagged and humorless. “No, Jude. I’m not. I haven’t been for a long time.”
Silence, then a soft sigh. “Talk to me, little brother. What’s going on?”