Page 26 of Retribution
He dropped a queen, which made me sigh again. A full house was what he was getting all hyped about. I began laughing, throwing my head back and really letting it rip.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“You are, with your measly hand.” I threw my other ten on the table which elicited a loud gasp.
“Are you kidding me. How’d you have four of a kind?”
“Because you’re no match for me in poker. You may win in Gin Rummy but there’s no way you can cheat and win me here. I gotta answer my phone.”
The phone had stopped ringing, but I looked at the strange number and returned the call. It rang three times before a man answered.
“Hello this is Ciara, you called me?”
“This is Detective Mckoy, we met at the hospital. You never came back to the station.”
“I’ve been busy, detective.”
“Well, we completed the autopsy and your brother’s body is cleared for burial.”
“Thank you.”
“I’d like to ask a few more questions, could you come to the station soon?”
I chuckled. “Detective, do you have any leads in this investigation?”
“We found out your brother was being bullied, but the bully moved away. His mother said he went to live abroad before the shooting, but witnesses say that wasn’t true. We’re verifying everything.”
“Don’t you worry Detective, I wont be coming to the station anytime soon.”
“Miss Braithwaite, I know you work with Dimucci, but I’d advice not to do anything illegal.”
“You wanna hear something illegal Detective?” Fuck da fuck off and get off my phone.”
I hung up and slammed the phone down on the table. Luca was looking at me quite amused with a silly smile on his lips.
“What you looking at?” I snapped.
“What did I do?”
“Damn that freaking detective. He got nothing, yet he wants me to do nothing. Who the hell does he think he is?”
Luca reached across the table and took my hand. “Calm down Baby. He’s just doing his job with the resources he got. But we never disrespect the police.”
“You expect me to apologize?”
“I’m sure he knows it’s your grief talking, but next time be a little more respectful. You can’t tell the popo to fuck off.”
“Now what did he say?” Luca asked.
“Cory’s body is cleared for burial, the autopsy has been completed. But I don’t want to bury my brother before I finish this. I want him to rest in peace.”
“Okay, we’ll keep the body at Costas until you’re ready.”
Costas was the family funeral home where the Dimucci clan and associates were hosted for burial. But he was all the way in Chicago. I wasn’t sure this was the right thing since I wasn’t familiar with the king himself, Blaze Dimucci.
“Are you sure about that. Will Blaze agree?”