Page 40 of Retribution
“Why does everyone think I’m afraid of dying?”
My captor shoved me into a chair and tied my hands behind me. My one concern was that they might discover my stiletto.
“Aren’t you?” Santiago asked. Coming close, his breath on my face.
I laughed. “It appears you might be afraid,” I replied. “I’m only one and you have what … eight men in the room. Yet you have tied me up. Who’s afraid?”
Santiago slapped me across the face. “You like to tease and taunt, don’t you?”
The slap was weak, and the sting wore off quickly. Amused, I wiggled my upper body, my breasts jiggling. “Do you blame me?”
“Ahh, you are indeed a hot little tease. But I prepared a special place for you here.”
My mind drifted to Luca because I knew he was now looking for me. I wondered what he would do if he knew I was with Santiago. Many thoughts entered my mind on how to get free, or how to get my stiletto. The only way was to let them set me free.
“Now you tie me up,” I said. “How a girl’s supposed to use the restroom? Do you even have restrooms here? I bet you don’t. Just bring me a bucket and I’ll use it.”
“I know what you’re doing. It’s not going to work, lady.”
“Maybe you or one of your men would like a golden shower,” I teased. “They say it’s very stimulating.”
He turned to one of the men. “Shut her up.”
A commotion outside caught the men’s attention and some rushed out, leaving me with Santiago and the one who captured me. He looked down at me with his dark evil pools and I smiled up at him sweetly.
He was as tall as Luca, maybe taller, with wide shoulders. His angular jawline gave a look of Henry Cavill, but not quite as attractive.
“How do you live down here with so many guys, aren’t you lonely?” I questioned. “Or … wait … can you even get it up? Oh wait … I see, you like men.”
“Do you ever shut up?” he hissed, slapping me again, this time harder.
“That’s all you got?” I taunted.
He slid closer to me his legs wide as stood he over me, almost straddling me. I tilted my head and stared up into his eyes.
“You hit like a girl,” I gibed.
He grabbed my chin and held it like a vice. “You killed my son and today I’m sending you to hell.”
I didn’t twist away but head my head still. “And you think that scares me? I guarantee even the devil will flee from me.”
“Be quiet until I am ready for you.”
“I need to use the bathroom,” I replied. “You can come with me and watch.”
His fist folded at his side, his face scrunch with anger. “Piss right where you are. You’re not going anywhere.”
I leaned back and closed my eyes, opening my legs, taking care not to let the hem of my dress ride up.
“Stop,” he said. He turned to my guy. “Take her to the toilet and keep her in your sight.”
I laughed inwardly, as I saw that Santiago was an idiot. There was commotion outside and he was sending me away with one man, leaving himself vulnerable. I would show him what I was made of tonight.
They untied me and I was escorted with a gun to my back. When we reached down the passage, I stopped and threw myself against the wall, while pulling my stiletto. This threw him off guard causing him to lower his weapon.
With a pivot, I lunged with my blade, sinking it into the soft flesh of his neck and ripping through it. As he sank to the grungy floor, I took his gun and returned to Santiago.