Page 20 of Damian
Georgia’s initial warmth quickly turns to anger and confusion and she shoves Emjay away. I can feel Emjay’s heart breaking all over again. My own emotions mirror hers—relief that Basil was dead, sorrow for the lives lost, and a burning anger at the injustice these women have endured.
“Why did you come back, Des? You were free?” She looks behind Emjay at the rest of us before taking a step back. She gasps. “And you brought your daughters? Go! Before Basil returns.”
“He’s dead. We no longer have to fear him.”
“The others?”
“All but three, and Helios banished them. They can’t ever find this place.”
The women move closer because of Emjay’s declaration.
A murmur of fear ripples through the crowd, growing louder and more frantic with each passing second. Faces twist in anxiety, eyes dart nervously as whispers of dread spread like wildfire. The group assembled is on the edge of unraveling, a palpable tension gripping everyone present.
“What if the banished ones return?” the woman with the scar on her chest shouts above the noise, clutching her child closer. Her tone brings the others to heel, as they clearly want to hear the answer.
Emjay takes a deep breath, her voice steady. “They won’t. Helios himself banished them. But we must be vigilant. We will protect each other. Together, we are stronger than they ever were.”
“Is that why we hear ticking?” One of the young women questions.
Georgia turns. “Ticking. Who hears ticking?”
Every adult heifer raises her hand, except Georgia.
“Why didn’t any of you tell me?”
“We didn’t tell anyone. I thought I was crazy. What is that sound? Why am I desperate to run out of here since I started hearing it?” one asks.
Heads nod, reiterating the female’s response. Eager faces gape at Georgia and Emjay.
Georgia turns to Emjay with shock in her words. “The mating call is real?”
“What’s a matting call?” a very pregnant female inquires.
“We have much to discuss. Is everyone here?” Emjay asks.
Georgia glances around before nodding.
“I don’t recognize anyone. Are you really the only one left?” Emjay grills Georgia.
“It’s just me,” she responds with sadness.
I imagine Emjay will have more questions for her friend later. Her scent tells me she shares the same biological father as Priscilla and Shay.
“Sisters, this is Desdemona. She belonged to Basil when I was a child. She escaped and has returned to us. Please, let’s hear what she has to say,” Georgia insists.
“Thank you. I changed my name to Emjay.” I can’t wait to hear the story behind the name she speaks with pride.
“It’s true. The men who’ve hurt you and kept you prisoners all your lives are either dead or banished by our creator, Helios.
“You don’t need to know my history, other than that I was born here too. I escaped when I was pregnant with my girls. I’d been assigned to feed the witch imprisoned in the cave. She helped me.”
My mate continues the story with all eyes glued to her. Including the children old enough to understand.
She tells them about our Minotaur history and the gifts Helios and the Fates ordained. Including the ceremony, long abandoned until we invited their men to take part.
As the women listen to Emjay’s story, their fear slowly turns to desires kept buried.
The children, sensing the change, smile and play more freely.