Page 16 of Golden Desires
She lets out an Omega whine, as she wakes. I can’t contain my groan. The sound is so sweet. I want to make her purr for me…
I crouch down, making my form less intimidating so the first time she sees me, I’m not towering over her.
As she blinks, I admire her crystal blue eyes, with flecks of gold and amber. My breath catches in my throat as I officially meet my mate face to face. The startling change from sleep into fear is quick as she jumps back from me. I frown. I should have known better. I should have backed up, given her more space.
She clutches the blanket to her chest, and I ease back on my haunches, hands raised.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, I’m sorry. You’re safe here. There’s nothing to fear from me,” I speak quietly, not daring to move. “My name is Cillian. This is mine and my brothers’ home.” I watch as some of the tension in her shoulders eases. I make no move to get closer to her, but I also can’t bring myself to back away. My instinct is screaming at me to scoop her into my arms. To tend to her injuries. To kiss her breathless.
I shake off that last thought. It’s much too soon for that, even if her scent is calling out to me, desperate for comfort.
“I… I apologize for breaking into your home. You have my horse outside, and I’ve–it’s been a long journey to get here. I was exhausted… I didn’t mean to fall asleep… I didn’t intend to take advantage…” she trails off as she fumbles with the blanket in her lap. As she wiggles about, marking her scent all over Ky’s bed, something he’s going to love, I notice her feet. I can’t contain my smile. Those are my socks.
“No harm was done. I see you found my socks.” I grin like a madman, not adding that I made them for her. Of course, it helps that my scent is all over them, too.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she yelps, eyes wide, as she kicks them off. The growl that escapes me startles her and I both, particularly when her scent spikes with need. Oh, that was not intentional…
“It’s okay, really,” I reassure her, as I grapple with my instincts for control. I swallow thickly, gesturing to Ky’s sweater. “You can wear that as well if you’d like? It might be more comfortable?” I do my best not to drag my eyes across her body, now that she’s tossed the blanket aside. She’s in a slip of fabric that hardly covers her body… Perhaps Ky is right to worry about his self-control. I’m hanging on by a thread here.
“Okay,” she nods, reaching for it with her uninjured arm.
“Are you hurt?” I ask, even though I’m well aware that she is. She nods, looking like she needs a hot bath and a hot meal. Several meals, in fact. Another growl nearly escapes, but I contain it. I need to chill the fuck out.
“I fell,” she whispers, still looking like a frightened bird.
“I can help you, if you’ll let me? Perhaps you’d enjoy a hot bath? My brother is preparing dinner as well. Are you hungry?” I ask gently, and her eyes widen, but she nods eagerly. I chuckle, rising to my feet slowly. “Let's get your arm secured, then you can bathe.”
I can’t help but wonder if she enjoys the way I look in the human form. She watches me closely as I leave the room, and soft footsteps behind me tells me she's following me. When I spin around after grabbing what I need to mend her arm, she gasps. I nearly step on her, she’s followed so close behind me.
Does she even realize why? I must make her feel safe, if she’s willing to follow me like a lost duckling. Is it my scent? Can she sense the connection between us? Ma said humans don’t experience mating the way we do. They choose each other first, and then once a bond is established, they sense each other more deeply. Monsters know our mates on an instinctual level from the first time we see them.
She’s much shorter than I am, even in this form. Her big blue eyes are wide with a bit of hesitation, as she stares up at me. She’s so stunningly beautiful, even covered in dirt and sweat.
“The washroom is this way,” I say in a deeper voice than I intended, a natural growl escaping. I need to control that better.
I lead her into the room and gesture for her to sit on the edge of the tub. Taking the time to set water to boil on the small hearth, I collect what I will need to brace her injury before kneeling in front of her. I’m careful, as I use the supplies I gathered to securely wrap her wrist. The thin, flat piece of wood will keep it from bending, and the wrapping will add a few layers of protection. My brother’s and I heal quickly. Will our connection unlock similar traits in her, like she unlocks my human form?
It doesn’t take long. And once I’m done, the water I set to boil is ready for the tub. The natural well that connects to the sink and the tub allows water to run, but it’s not warm enough for my mate to bathe in.
“I’m Goldie,” she whispers, when I pour the boiling liquid into the tub. Goldie, my mate's name is Goldie. My golden girl…
“Nice to meet you, Goldie.” Another growl escaping me as I say her name for the first time. I’m going to have to stop that, even if I enjoy the way Goldie shivers at the sound. “I’ll bring you some clean clothes, and you can use one of the towels there.” I point to where we keep them neatly folded beside the tub. “Take your time, there’s no rush. If you need anything, I’ll just be in the kitchen,” I say, before stepping out of the room to retrieve the items.
Of course, we already have lots of clothing and other things here for her, but now doesn’t seem like the time to reveal that little detail. Omegas can be territorial, and I can’t exactly tell her everything we have for a woman is meant for her…
The bag one of those vile women dropped, contained a beautiful brush that I think my mate would enjoy, though. Perhaps she has other things I can steal for Goldie…
The urge to offer my assistance is on the tip of my tongue, but I know it’s too soon. We’ll move at the pace she needs. I’m capable of monstrous deeds, but not against my mate.
I may be a monster, but I am her monster.
Chapter Nine
When Cillian leaves the washroom, I deflate. His presence put me on edge, but I’m surprised by the emptiness I’m left with once he’s gone. Why do I feel so lonely now that I’m in this room alone? I’m used to being alone. I’ve spent most of my life trying to be alone, in fact!
Carefully removing the ruined wedding dress with my single working arm, I ease myself into the warm water. I can’t remember the last time I took a warm bath. I know it was when I was little, back when my mother was still alive. Once she was gone, I had to use the tub as quickly as possible. Hell, just yesterday my stepmother had me washing from a bucket.