Page 33 of Golden Desires
One little orgasm, and now I can’t get enough.
As we start back, I can’t help but wonder whether Ky will sleep in my bed tonight, or if this morning scared him away.
I hope not. I want to touch him like this too…
Chapter Sixteen
Swinging the ax downward, I split the last log for the day right as Ky comes around the side of the wood shop.
He’s been distant and evasive since this morning. Whatever went on in that room, despite the smell of our mates' pleasure, he left with his tail between his legs. I can’t imagine anything making me run from my mate when she’s in need. For a man who thinks he lacks control, he sure fucking exercised it in a way I doubt I could. He left her unsatisfied, and clearly confused, judging by her scent.
The way I wanted to rush in there and offer myself up to her in his place… I locked myself in the washroom and stroked myself to visions of dragging the pretty Omega back to my room and covering her in my scent. Finding ways of making her body burn with ecstasy. The pleasure my release brought me was nothing compared to what being with Goldie will feel like.
Shaking off the thought, I place the ax down by the wood rack before I make my way over to the barn. I find Ky putting hay into one of the stalls when I clear the barn door.
“Cill and Goldie should be back soon.” His shoulders tense up as I lean over the stall door. Before he runs away again, I decide to tackle this head on. “You want to tell me what happened this morning? The house was full of her berry and honeyed scent when you stormed out. What scared you off?” I keep my tone gentle. My brother is a sensitive man, and I don’t want him to think I am angry or belittling his feelings.
“I don’t know. Feeling her lips against mine last night… Then the feel of her body pressed against me this morning. It put me on edge, I felt like I was about to lose control, and do something I couldn’t take back.” The misery in his voice has me wanting to rush ahead and fix it for him, but this is something he has to do for himself. Ky walks out of the stall and leans his pitchfork against the hay bales in the isle. When he finally looks up to meet my eyes, I step forward and place my hand on his shoulder.
“Ky, couldn’t you scent her? She liked what was happening. You didn’t hurt her, and you never will,” I say firmly.
“I felt the ripple of the monster beneath my skin. I could feel the need to bite, to rut, to make her mine. I could have hurt her,” he says as he looks down at his feet, obviously not hearing me. “She isn’t ready for those things. I couldn’t live with myself If I harmed her. How can we prove we deserve her, if I take advantage of her like that?”
“Come with me. There's something I want to show you,” I say as I lead him back to the workshop. I can tell he’s confused by the abrupt change in conversation, but what I want to show him will soothe my brother. Throwing open both doors, I lead him deeper into the area back where I do the finer carving.
Sitting propped up on the back bench is a large wood carving that has a woman in the throes of passion surrounded by clawed hands and snarling teeth. Her form is obscured in places by the placement of the monsters around her. The buttery tone of the wood had been darkened in places to reflect the colors of fur. Despite the harsher shapes of the forms surrounding her, it is easy to see they are protective in their embrace.
“Dair… this is magnificent. I had no Idea… How long have you been working on this?” he says as his hands drift along the carving. He doesn’t miss the resemblance to Goldie. His eyes jump back to mine as I take a seat on one of the stools. Gesturing to the one across from me, I begin.
“Years. I have been carving this particular piece for about seven years. I just finished it recently...” I trail off and wait for him to count back the years.
“The year we had to leave Ma’s…” he says softly.
“Our kind, the Domus Silva, are still a mystery to us in a lot of ways. When Ma took us in, she was able to piece enough things together to help us settle, but she spent what time she could collecting information that we would need one day.” I look over to the carving and let my eyes trace the woman’s face. I take a breath before continuing. My memories drift back to the blood-soaked bodies. Their unfamiliar forms…
“One thing that she was able to salvage from our mother was a small journal. Recently I read it again. It didn’t have a lot of information on us, but it talks about fate's gift and how mates recognize each other. Our parents were of course mates. I believe their ability to take a second form was a way to protect us, but based on what I read in the journal, I think it also comes from the time before our people were forced to retreat further into the forest, away from humans.” I glance over at him as he soaks in the information.
“What are you saying?” Ky frowns.
“We aren’t the only monsters in history to have human mates. Fate wouldn’t give us a delicate human Omega, if we weren’t worthy of her. We can give her everything she needs and deserves,” I tell him, as he stares at my carving, before he turns to me once again.
“Why haven’t I seen it before?” Ky’s tone is colder as he looks at me.
“It wasn’t intentional. In all honesty, I had forgotten Ma gave it to me. Our mother’s personal recollections were too painful for me to read for so long. I grabbed it the night Goldie fled her village.” Standing, I walk over to the shelf above the small window and pull down the book. In my hand, it looks too tiny to handle without damaging the pages. When I place the book in front of him, he leans forward to look at the bloodstained edges. Ky takes it from me, and stares at it like it might bite him.
“Read it. It doesn’t hold all the answers, but it should help ease your mind. Our mother believed in fate. That everything, good or bad, has a purpose. That if we choose to, we can make our lives what we want them to be. You can be the mate she deserves.” I know I’m being pushy, but Goldie needs Ky just as much as she needs Cill and I. We are all her mates.
“I can’t be trusted, Dair. I’m afraid I’ll hurt her… These hands, the ones that nearly killed Ma, they’re the same hands Goldie wants against her skin, and I…” His voice chokes on the words, as he shakes his head, getting more upset.
“Goldie is safe with you. Your monstrous form is not made to hurt the one who your heart beats for, it’s made to protect and cherish her.” My voice is firm as I wrap my arms around him. “I trust you with Goldie. You need to trust yourself. And both Cill and I will be here to help you remember that you deserve this happiness.” Ky was hormonal, and in the throes of puberty when he harmed Ma. But I was the trigger. I’m the one who put my brother on the path of destruction that day. I won’t let him carry that burden alone.
Kylan leans into the hug like he did as a young child. My brother is the best of us with his kind heart and soft soul, and I will not let him lose Goldie, before she sees who he truly is.
“And if we scare her away before we can prove ourselves?”
“Goldie has been listening to her instincts more, letting them guide her. Her aunt raised us, that has to count for something,” I tease, bumping him and trying to lighten the mood. “We’ll show her the real us, and then we’ll show her our monsters when the time is right.” I release my brother and walk back over to the carving and run my finger along the woman’s face.