Page 41 of Losing Control
“That sounds great. Let’s do that.” My body rocks towards him, but his eyes go back to my breasts.
“But I’m only going to touch these.”
“What?” I prop my elbows up underneath me, pushing my back off the bed.
“I want–”
“Libby! You awake? I have coffee and need to debrief.” Blake slams the front door and is walking loudly as she makes her way through the apartment. Mine and Colt’s eyes meet, but we are otherwise frozen.
“Libs, what do you want me to do?” He is so calm. “Do you want me to hide in the bathroom? Or I can throw my body on top of yours to shield your nakedness.” The mischievous look on his face helps me come back to Earth.
“I don’t want to hide.”
“I like that answer.” He moves into a sitting position and the sheets rest on top of his waist. I must stare for too long because he chuckles and pulls the sheet to cover my chest. “She may be your best friend, but I’m not sharing this body with anyone. Blake included.”
I swoon instantly. “Whatever you say.”
His eyes go hooded. “I like that answer, too.”
Quick, fast, and in a hurry, Blake swings my bedroom door open and stops dead in her tracks. I quickly pull the blankets up further as she puts both hands over her mouth. The whole time, Colt just sits back and watches, completely unphased.
“Hi,” I choke out.
Blake blinks as her eyes bounce between us. “Holy shit.” She leans her shoulder against the door frame as she continues to take in the sight. “This is hot.”
“Blake, shut up.” I roll my eyes and pull the sheet tighter.
“Not a chance.” Her smile is big and annoying. “I'm calling Ty right now.”
“Blake Jenson Miller!” I yell her name, but it’s too late. She’s already holding her phone up as the Facetime rings.
“Jenson?” Colt leans over and whispers.
“Her parents thought she was a boy and her mom refused to come up with a different name.” It was unfortunate, but her name fits her well.
“Hey sis, make it quick. I’m about to jump in the shower. I got a hot date tonight.” Tyson’s voice fills the room.
“None of that matters! Look what I just walked in on.” Blake points the camera towards us and Colt instantly uses his body to block my own from view.
“Holy shit.” I’ll never be convinced they aren’t twins. The two of them are too similar to not be the same egg split in two. “Is that a topless Little Bird? Why does all the fun stuff happen when I’m not around?”
“Pay attention, dipshit.” Blake reaches her arms out so her phone is closer to us.
“Wait, a damn second. Is that Colt? Oh shit. Good job, man.” Tyson’s voice goes up an octave, but Colt doesn’t seem to share in the fanfare.
“Look the fuck away, Tyson.”
Ignoring Colt’s demand, Tyson looks at me. “You good Libby,” he asks, brows pushed together and jaw tight. The concern is written all over his face, though I’m not sure why.
“Yeah, Ty, I’m good.” I peek over Colt’s shoulder because he still hasn’t moved. I’d love for this little group chat to be over.
“Alright, well, I’m getting off here.”
“What?” Blake turns the camera back on herself. “That’s it? You do realize they slept together, right?”
“B, we’re right here.” She doesn’t hear me though, as she walks out of the room, not bothering to shut the door.
“They’re married, Blake,” I hear Tyson explain.