Page 43 of Losing Control
Where the fuck is Savannah ?
I spent my morning wrapped up in the most delicious woman. And didn’t think to question where my sister was. Hell, I didn’t even notice she wasn’t there. I heard Blake come home last night and go straight to her room, so I just assumed Savannah was right there with her.
What kind of brother doesn’t notice his one and only sibling not under the same roof as him? I know she’s an adult and can handle her own, but she came here to see me and I don't even know where she is. New Orleans is not exactly the safest place to be at night. Especially this time of year.
I call her phone for the fifth time and still no answer. “Fuck.” I slam my hand down on the steering wheel. Opening up my texts, I shoot one off to Blake now that I’m parked.
Me: Where is she?
Too much time goes by before the three dots finally appear on the screen.
Blake: She left with some guy.
Blake: I think his name was Bruce.
Blake: Nice guy. HOT.
This woman could test the patience of Munks.
Me: Where is she, Blake?
Blake: Don’t worry Gibson. We have a safe word. She’s good.
Okay, time’s up.
Me: Tell me where she is or I’m having Ty tell your mom that you are the one that met a man named Bruce.
Blake: u don’t play fair.
Seconds later, she sends me a link to a dropped pin and I immediately pull it up and throw my truck into drive.
I never thought I’d have to pull my grown ass sister out of a frat house on a Sunday morning, but I’m the first to admit that I don’t know everything.
“This is really not necessary, Colt.”
I throw her in the truck and climb in on my side. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Do you even know how old those boys are?”
“You do realize I’m in college too, right? Literally the same stage of life.” She’s too chill for my liking right now.
“How do you know some of them aren’t college age? I take a deep breath to regain some form of level headedness. “Do you know how many high school kids go to frat parties?”
This has her sobering up. “Shit. You’re right.” She pulls a hand down her face. “Good news is I didn’t sleep with any of them.” God, I want to vomit.
“I don’t want to hear anymore. Let’s go get some breakfast.”
“Fine, but make it drive-thru. I need to sleep.” She closes her eyes and leans against the window for the rest of the drive.
Fuck. I could try to take her back to the girl’s house, but I have too much prep to get done today for work and if I'm anywhere near Libby again, that's just not going to happen. I guess her and Tyson meeting is inevitable, so we may as well get it over with.
“I don’t understand the big deal with meeting your roommate.” Savannah has been pestering me the whole way up to the apartment.
“He’s just not the kind of guy you need to be around.”
Crossing her arms, she pushes her brows together. “Then why do you live with him? Do you really live with someone with a questionable character?” She’s got me there, and she knows it.
“No,” I say, but I know my sister well enough to know she’s not going to let this go until I just tell her. The elevator stops and we step off, but I stop short of the apartment door, turning to face her. “He goes through women like candy. Every day is a different one, or at least a different one of the same group. Hell, there may even be different ones on the same day.” My face scrunches of its own accord. I couldn’t imagine living that kind of life. But then again, I could never understand the type of attention he gets as a famous athlete.