Page 37 of Smoky Lake
“I’m tempted to grab that cab and head back to the airport,” he told Ani in a low voice.
“Oh hell no, you don’t.” Sergeant Thomson appeared at his elbow. “You’re checking into that hotel like a good boy.”
It would take the entire Fort Wainwright contingent to keep him away from his brother if Lachlan needed him. He was about to inform Thomson that since he wasn’t under arrest and all of this was voluntary, she could stick it where the sun don’t shine. But Ani grabbed his arm before he could explode.
“Why don’t I call Molly and Charlie and Lila. One of them can check on your brother. That’ll be a lot faster. Nick could do it too. He’s an investigator and if something’s wrong, I’m sure he’ll know what to do.”
Still locked in his stare down with Sergeant Thomson, he made himself relax. “We can start with that. But if I need to get to Firelight Ridge, I will do so. Understand that.”
The sergeant gave a nod that held equal parts reluctance and respect. “You’re going to stay a pain in my ass, aren’t you?”
He shot her a reluctant grin. “There’s a good chance.”
The Wagon Wheel was so booked that the only room still open was on the top floor, a suite with two bedrooms, a “conference” room, and a kitchenette. The voucher didn’t quite cover it, but Gil and Ani left that problem in Sergeant Thomson’s hands.
“She might as well use that military air of authority for good,” Gil murmured to Ani as they rode the elevator up to their suite.
But Ani didn’t smile. She leaned against the wall of the elevator looking worried. Worried, exhausted, and at the end of her rope.
The elevator door opened, and before she could protest, he swooped her into his arms and carried her down the hall to their suite.
Blame it on Lachlan, he thought. Once a protector, always a protector.
“Are you planning to make a habit of carrying me around like a sack of onions?” Even though she was teasing him, she could have cried with relief at being off her feet. She was not cut out for all this James Bond movie stuff.
“I can tell you didn’t grow up on a farm. I never carried a sack of onions that looked like you.”
With one hand, he used the key card to open the suite. Still clinging to his chest, she glanced around it, soaking in the presence of normal furniture like couches and TV cabinets and curtains. “God, I love civilization.”
He laughed as he carefully set her down on the couch, where she immediately stretched out her legs and rested them on the arm, slightly elevated. That position often helped her muscles and bones and tendons relax back into alignment.
“My phone just died. Would you mind…” She wagged her phone at him, then waved at her bag. “The charger’s in there.”
He plugged in her phone, while she sighed at the miraculous sight of this big, strong, handsome man spoiling her like this. John would have grumbled and made a fuss about it.
She had to stop comparing Gil and John. They were two completely different men, and she had only had a relationship with one of them. That relationship was over, but the point remained the same.
As soon as her phone flashed back to life, Gil brought it to her so she could call her friends and ask them to check on Lachlan.
“Absolutely,” Molly said without hesitation. “I still have the map to his place. It’s not too far from our house.”
Our house. So Molly was now officially considering Sam’s home as her own. Ani could have danced with delight, if she wasn’t flat on her back on the couch.
“Would you mind seeing if Nick could meet you out there? Charlie’s probably busy at the lodge. I don’t want you to go there alone if there’s any danger.”
“That’s a great idea. I can see if Bear’s free too. Between those two, I should be perfectly safe.”
“You’re the best. Call me as soon as you get out there. Poor Gil is really worried. I think I’ve discovered his soft spot.” She winked at Gil, who was hovering over her, listening in.
“Is his soft spot about five foot three, with gorgeous, thick dark hair and a secret tattoo of a tiger on her hip?”
Ani’s face heated. “Um…did I mention you’re on speaker phone?”
She caught Gil’s glance, saw his eyebrows lift, his gaze drift to her hip. A deep shiver went through her, as if her clothes were no barrier to his penetrating gaze.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry,” said Molly. “I didn’t mean?—”