Page 13 of Fracture
Lorelei exhaled slowly. “I’d rather stay with you. If you’re sure it won’t be an inconvenience.”
“We all live in the same area,” Karli told Dr. Jones. “I’m available to help out, and so are the others, if Vinnie has to work or needs a break from this one.” Karli winked at Lorelei.
Lorelei rolled her eyes. “I’m sure everyone will need a break from me.”
“I’m good,” Vinnie said, his tone rough, growly, like he was frustrated.
Lorelei looked up at him. She might not remember who she was or the last time she had sex, but she knew what that look on his face meant. She knew what he was thinking. And she was thinking the same thing.
“Okay, so now that that’s settled, your discharge orders. No strenuous activity for ten days. That means no sex.” She glared at Lorelei, then Vinnie before continuing. Karli just laughed. “No carrying anything over five pounds. Use your spirometer at least four times every day for a month or longer, depending on how you’re healing and feel. If you’re continuing to improve in a week, you can start other activities for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. Normally, I’d suggest walking, but with your broken ankle, that’s not a great option. Find something that gets you up and moving a bit, though. You can slowly increase that and add in some minor strenuous activities, but don’t overdo it. If you try to do too much too fast, you risk a setback. With your amnesia and head injuries, a setback is a major risk, so please go slow.”
Lorelei nodded, keeping her gaze locked on Dr. Jones and refusing to look at Vinnie. She could not think about avoiding sex with him or that would be the only thing she wanted.
Hell, it was starting to become the only thing she wanted. After remembering who she was.
“We’ll make sure she follows orders,” Karli assured Dr. Jones. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
Dr. Jones smiled at Karli. “You’re welcome. I’m glad things are going well. It’s a true testament to how strong Lorelei is that she’s done so well with her progress.” She moved to Lorelei. “Thank you for what you do. I’ve read up on who you are, and the world needs people like you out there. I’m sorry for what you went through, but I have no doubt you will regain your memory and get right back out there and make the world a better place.”
“Thank you, Dr. Jones.”
Dr. Jones smiled and put her hand on Lorelei’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “I’ll get your paperwork signed and you’ll be good to go. Someone will be in with a wheelchair to take you out. If you have any issues, please get in touch. Otherwise, I’ll send all of this to your primary care for followup.”
“Thank you.”
Dr. Jones smiled at Karli and Vinnie, then let herself out of the room.
Lorelei looked at the two people who’d been there for her more than anyone else in the last week. She wouldn’t be getting out of the hospital if it weren’t for the two of them. “Thank you both for being here. For helping me.”
“Nowhere else I’d rather be,” Karli said.
Vinnie just nodded, his gaze unwavering, just like his support.
“I’ll go have Cade pull the SUV around to the front. Are we going to your apartment here first to get your stuff?”
Lorelei nodded even as fear welled up inside her.
“Okay. We’ll see you outside in a few.” Karli waved and walked out, not even realizing Lorelei was panicking.
But Vinnie did.
“Shit,” he breathed.
Before Lorelei could process what he was doing, he’d climbed into bed with her and wrapped his body around hers. His arms held her close, but not tight enough to hurt. He whispered in her ear.
“I got you, Lorelei. You’re safe. No one’s going to hurt you.”
Lorelei closed her eyes and let his words and body soothe her. Her breathing slowed, and the panic drifted away. It was like magic.
“How did you… how did you do that?”
His chest rose with the breath he sucked in. He held it, then let it out slowly. “I’ve been doing that every night since you were admitted. You’re having nightmares, and the only way for you to sleep is if I hold you.”
“Are you kidding me?”
Vinnie knew he would have to tell her about the nightmares eventually. And about holding her. But he hoped he would be able to tell her in a way that didn’t create more panic.