Page 22 of Fracture
Lorelei looked at the man next to her and wondered what drove him to find her. There were others looking for her. Karli said someone had checked her apartment the day after she disappeared. But Vinnie didn’t give up. He kept searching. And he found her.
Vinnie didn’t say much through dinner, only responding when someone asked him a question directly. After dinner, he drove them back to the hotel. Cade went inside to check them in while Karli helped Lorelei out of the SUV and Vinnie collected their luggage.
Cade came out with two keys and handed one to Vinnie, then picked up half the luggage. He led the way inside, past the desk to the elevator to the right of the lobby.
The suite Cade booked was huge. Each of the two bedrooms had a king bed and a private bathroom. The living room, kitchen, and dining room were all part of one open space. A balcony looked onto the Hudson River.
Lorelei was drawn to the balcony and the view. She pushed open the door and let the warm evening air wash around her as she hobbled outside. The noise of the city and the voices inside the room faded away as Lorelei stared at the water.
Why was she drawn to it? Why did she want to see it? She tried to figure out if there was anything familiar about it, but her mind was maddeningly blank.
“Are you tired?” Karli asked, joining her on the balcony. “It’s beautiful out here.”
Lorelei nodded. “Yeah. Um, I’m okay. I’m starting to hurt a little so I’ll probably stay up until I can take another pill, then try to sleep. I wish I could shower.”
“Maybe we can tie a bag around your cast?” Karli suggested.
“That’s what Dr. Jones said.”
“Want me to find something? I’m sure the kitchen has something. Maybe a trash bag?”
Lorelei nodded. “Thank you.”
Karli turned to go back inside, but Lorelei grabbed her hand.
“And thank you for being here for me. Paying for all of this. Giving up your time and being away from work and everything. I know I don’t remember you, but I know all of that is huge. And it means a lot to me.”
“You would have done the same for me. You did when I was missing. You came to find out what was going on, and you stayed. You were chasing a lead on who’s behind all the shit that’s been going on when you disappeared.”
Lorelei sucked in a breath. Something was trying to break through. A memory or a thought or something.
But just as quickly as it snuck up on her, it vanished.
“Did you remember something?” Karli asked.
Lorelei shook her head. “Something was there, but I… no. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? You can’t control it.”
Lorelei smiled at her cousin, knowing it was true even though she wanted to control it. She wanted to tell her brain to come back. To remember. To be her again.
“I’ll go look for a bag and some tape. Then you can shower.”
Lorelei nodded, turning back to the view. Lights flashed in the distance. Cars raced by on the street below. The bellow of a boat echoed all around. Something was familiar, but Lorelei didn’t know what.
Karli came back a minute later with a trash bag and a roll of tape. The two of them went to the bathroom in the room where Lorelei’s things were.
“How do you want to do this? Do you think you can get your clothes off around the bag?”
Lorelei looked down at her cast and knew the answer was no. “Maybe I can take off my underwear and put my shorts back on, then it’ll be easier so I don’t mess up the tape.”
“I was thinking the same. Let me know when you’re ready for me to come back in.”
Karli left Lorelei alone to change, which Lorelei did as quickly as she could. She was sweating by the time she called Karli back in, unable to take care of her top and bra on her own.
“I hate that you’re in this much pain,” Karli whispered.
“I’ll heal. I’m alive and have the opportunity to.”