Page 6 of Fracture
“I was a suspect?” Vinnie asked. That surprised him.
Adam shrugged. “You were the one who found her. You know how these things go. Guilty until proven innocent.”
Vinnie snorted. If that wasn’t the truth. “So, this was about confirming my story?”
Adam shook his head. “No. This was about me thanking you for saving the life of one of the most important people in my world. After my wife, my sister, and my parents, sometimes before, it’s Lorelei. She’s saved my life more times than I can count, and I’ve done the same for her. I wouldn’t have Raina if it weren’t for Lorelei. I wouldn’t have any of the good things in my life. I love her like family, and to me, she is family. So this is about me saying thank you, and asking if you’ll stick around.”
“Stick around, sir?”
“She trusts you. She’s never responded the way she did when you were right there. She’s going to need help going forward. Not just because of her injuries but mentally, she’s not the same person she was before this.”
Vinnie started to interrupt, but Adam held up a hand.
“She will get back, but she doesn’t know me or Karli, and I’m sure she’s not going to know anyone else.”
“She doesn’t even know herself. I overheard her in the bathroom asking who she was. She was alone, so I know she was talking to herself.”
Adam closed his eyes and drew a breath. “For whatever reason, probably because you were the first person she saw, she feels like she knows you. I want to ask your boss if you can be temporarily assigned as her personal protection. If you are willing to do it. If you’re willing to be that person for her. Until she’s back to herself.”
“Yes, sir. Of course. I will do whatever it takes for her to feel like herself again.”
“Thank you. Can I call you Vinnie?”
“Of course, sir.”
Adam breathed a smile. “Again with the sir.”
“Sorry, sir. Habit.”
“I understand. But if you’re with Lorelei like you’re going to be, you’re going to have to see me as an equal. These people don’t see rank.” Adam nodded his head toward the hallway, where four people were talking. Adam lifted his hand when one of them noticed him, then the group moved toward the break room Adam and Vinnie were in.
“Is this him?” one woman asked.
Adam nodded and reached his arm toward the woman. “Vinnie, this is my wife, Raina. That’s Karli’s boyfriend, Cade, and more friends, Jessica and Braden. When we heard Lorelei was alive, we got here as fast as we could.”
“Thank you for finding her,” Raina said. “I don’t know how we can repay you.”
“Just doing my job, ma’am,” Vinnie said.
“Did he just call me ma’am?” Raina asked, glaring at her new husband.
“Duty requires it. He saved Lorelei.”
Raina growled and glared at Vinnie. “Please call me Raina. It’s so much better than ma’am.”
“I’ll do my best.”
Raina smiled at him. She drew a breath and let it out slowly. “Can we go see her?”
Before Adam could reply, Vinnie stepped forward. “Lorelei is very tired and confused. She’s been through a lot, and she needs a minimum level of stress right now.”
Raina looked at Adam, then back to Vinnie, then to Adam. “What am I missing? Do we know you? Do we know him? Why are you the one in charge right now?”
“I apologize, ma—Raina. Lorelei went through hell. She doesn’t know who she is. She is scared and overwhelmed and confused, and Adam’s asked me to stay and keep her safe.”
Raina’s brows shot up. Before she could argue, Adam spoke up.
“Lorelei is responding to Vinnie. He found her, so she trusts him. When he speaks to her, she calms down. He’s the only person she is relaxed around right now, so it’s important we all listen to him.”