Page 69 of Fracture
Vinnie grinned. “Sounds like a date.”
She snorted. “Weirdest date ever.”
“Maybe, but if I promise to take you to bed afterward, maybe that’ll make up for it.”
Lorelei chuckled. “I like that promise.”
He kissed her again, crashing his lips to hers. He didn’t want to leave her, but he wasn’t going to abandon Molly.
Vinnie pulled back and grinned when Lorelei didn’t open her eyes right away. She bit her lower lip and smiled. “You know how to leave a woman wanting more.”
“I hope not. I’d rather have you fully satisfied.”
“I was… until you kissed me again and reminded me what you are capable of.”
Vinnie kissed her once more. “I won’t be long.”
“Just make sure she’s okay. I’ll be fine here.”
“Good. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
“I hope your friend is okay.”
“Me, too. Thanks.”
He waved and let himself out. He locked the door, then walked away before he called another teammate to go help Molly instead.
Lorelei was engrossed in her search for Abigail Painter. There was no contact listed, no information about the woman, just the two initials that might or might not actually lead to the woman Lorelei thought it led to.
She slapped the laptop closed and tossed it onto the couch next to her. She hated not knowing what the hell was going on. One step forward and six steps back. She got a memory, but it wasn’t one that helped her solve the case. She knew a name, but it didn’t lead her to a solution for the other names.
“When am I going to remember everything?” she asked aloud.
She needed to move. To get up and do something besides sit there. She grabbed her crutches, frustrated again that she couldn’t just go for a walk. She slammed them down and stomped her way across Vinnie’s small apartment.
Nothing made sense. And no one could help her.
Lorelei paced for a few minutes, then went back to her computer. She opened it up and wondered if there was software on it to let her search for people. Cops had that, right? It made sense she would, too.
She found something that looked like it would do the job, and she typed in Abigail Painter’s name.
Within seconds, three women with the name were shown on the screen. One was local, and the other two were hours away.
Lorelei stared at the driver’s license picture of the woman. She wanted to believe she recognized her, but the longer she stared, the less familiar she looked.
“This is pointless.”
But it wasn’t. There was an address. Two actually. Work and home.
She could go look for the woman. Maybe if she saw her in person, she would recognize her.
Lorelei debated on waiting for Vinnie, but she was going crazy sitting around his apartment all day. The address wasn’t far, surprisingly. And the phone she had came with a credit card loaded onto it to use for things like getting a ride. She wasn’t going to talk to the woman, just see if she recognized her when she saw her in person.
Lorelei flipped through the ride share app and figured out how to use it, then made her way downstairs. She requested a ride once she was on the ground floor, then walked outside to wait for the driver to pick her up.
A blue sedan pulled up in front of her. The license plate matched the one in the app, and the driver confirmed his name. Lorelei managed to get herself into the backseat and close the door, then told the driver she was ready.