Page 18 of These Family Ties
I do not know if it is the close bond, or he is just that filthy, but I would not trade it for the world. It did not matter to me what other people would think… at least not while I was in the throes of absolute ecstasy. In the morning, I might feel some guilt. But that’s tomorrow Cait’s problem. For now, I was going to enjoy every dirty deed he wanted to perform with me… or to me.
His tongue swiped all the way up my slit. I was uncontrollably moaning like a damn banshee. I locked my legs around his neck while he face fucked me, riding him, soaking him with my juices.
It's not like I have had tons of lovers, but Tracker is by far the best I have ever had. When my orgasm hit, if he didn't hold onto me, I think I would've fell on the floor. My legs were weak like jelly. This man then wrapped me in his arms and held me in bed. To look at him, no one would expect him to be a post coital cuddler.
Holding Cait, I knew I had it bad. She drifted off to sleep in my arms. I kept trying to tell myself I was not a good person, so I could walk away from her, but so far it isn't happening.
We were acting like teenagers on a tremendous high. But at some point, we were going to take a fall. A deep plunge into reality. We couldn’t continue. People are cruel and I did not want her getting hurt because of our relationship.
Chapter Nine
Day three of surveillance, a woman comes over. She must be his partner. He kisses her passionately at the door and she stays well into the night. I leave when the lights turn out at midnight. Her car is still there at seven the next morning. This could be a problem.
Hopefully, she won’t stay tonight. I took down her license plate, and sent it off via text to Olly, asking him to run the plate and give me any details he could on the owner. If there was anything to find out about the woman, Olly would find it. Olly was our computer hacker who can find the needle in the haystack if you needed it. He was quick and always accurate. If it could be said that I have a partner in my line of work, it would have been Olly.
The woman may become collateral damage. It depends on if she planned to stay there or not. It was not optimal to have collateral damage, it brought too much attention, but sometimes it happened. I still get paid the same. At the end of the day, it's about the money. Well, the money and me getting to release the darkness. Building it up inside can be dangerous. It's better to have an outlet.
I'd managed to get completely caught up on all my work that I'd missed. I sent everything via email to the Senator so he had what he needed and I told him if he needed anything else, just send it to me. I knew he wouldn't though. I'd be back soon, and he had other people working for him.
Tracker seemed distant yesterday. His job must not be going how he wanted. He won't speak of it. I wish he felt like he could confide in me. I guess he is just so used to being alone that he keeps it all locked inside.
Every day I made a little progress with him, but some days seemed harder than others. It seemed so corny, but I knew I wanted the white picket fence with him. I just didn’t know what he wanted.
“Olly?” The chirping of my phone breaking the monotony of the stakeout.
“Hey, man. I have the info on your girl. Name’s Meagan Brixton. She has a price on her head,” he paused a moment while I took this in, “but it has been picked up by someone else.”
What that translated to was, whatever shit this guy did to piss someone off, the woman was part of it. However, I couldn't touch her. She was already marked by someone else.
“Thanks man.” I hung up after finding out this valuable information. It made the mission a bit more difficult. I had to complete my own shit while not stepping on the toes of the hitman that was tracking the female.
Fucking my life.
Chapter Ten
Today, if all went to plan, would be execution day. When he returned from work, I would be waiting inside his home to subdue him. The person ordering the hit wanted a souvenir… his right hand. So, I would chop it off while my body cam silently watched, then kill him.
I had a syringe of Versed. It would put him in such a relaxed state that he wouldn’t even care that I was pilfering his limb. Depending on how weak his constitution was, he may even fall asleep. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass? I would then have to wake him up so my client can see the mark’s reaction to the loss.
I was in disguise, my blonde wig and a black hoodie. I even had brand new black tennis shoes on. These would get burned before I returned to the hotel. I had rubber gloves, so no fingerprints anywhere. I even loaded the gun with the gloves on so the bullets wouldn't have my fingerprints.
I pulled onto a side street and parked my car. Sliding out, I looked like a jogger. I started running around the block. When I got to his house, I bent down as if tying my shoe. Glancing around, I didn't see anyone else outside. I ran around the back of the house and broke in through the back door.
I walked around the layout of the house to get the feel of it. Then I sat and waited. Waiting was my specialty. I could wait in one spot for hours. Just calculating my next move. When I heard his key in the door, I let him walk into his living room, then I walked up quietly behind him with the syringe, grabbed his head and plunged the needle into his neck.
He tried to fight it. Even managed to swing around and land a punch in my jaw. My eyes teared up on impact.
Finally the medication kicked in and he dropped. My jaw still smarting, I bent over and pulled the handsaw out of my pocket. Taking his right hand, I secured it with a zip tie to the leg of the couch. Then I zip tied his legs together.