Page 46 of These Family Ties
I’m close, but not close enough, and this is taking too long. I just want this to be over but can’t go home unsatisfied with these thoughts in my head. I hate myself for this, but it’s the only thing that’ll hold me over. Squeezing her hip harder and fucking her like she’s the source of my fantasies, I close my eyes and imagine the one I really want. The one who’s hair is on the darker side of dirty-blonde and big green doe eyes match mine. Pale-pink lips that smile at me even though I never return the courtesy. I imagine cupping her face as I kiss those lips and hearing her whimper as I touch her.
It’s enough to finally send me over, and I shudder as my release washes over me. As soon as I’m done, I slip my dick out of the girl and discard the condom. While I’m tucking myself away and closing my jeans, she turns with a smile and attempts to touch me. “That was—”
I grab her throat and slam her back to the wall, making her head bounce off it. “What the fuck is so goddamn hard about shut the fuck up?”
Turning red in the face, she claws at my hand while gasping for breath. I squeeze harder, a smirk tugging at my lips as her face goes purple. Her gasps grow louder, her mouth opening and closing like a fish as she tries to force out words. Her pleading eyes bulge, and my smile widens a little more before I roll my eyes and release her. I shake my head as I exit the room at her coughs and gasps. I shouldn’t take my anger out on these girls; it’s not their fault I’m in a shit mood with a bad temper. However, she should have known better than to cross one of us. She’s here to pay a debt, not pick up a sugar daddy.
I walk out to the main floor of the club and plop onto the couch before signaling the waitress for another drink. Another girl is already crawling over on all fours. Everyone who works in this club is here because they owe us a debt, and some stupidly think sucking up to someone in charge will shorten the sentence. Whatever helps them sleep at night. Most chose this as their payback method, so if they don’t like it, they can blame themselves.
The girl slides her hands up my knees with a question in her eyes just as the waitress arrives with my drink. I toss it back, ordering another as I stare at the blonde at my feet. Blonde like hers. I give her a nod to which she smiles before she crawls into my lap to dance.
I won’t fuck this girl. I’ve gotten what I need for the night, but I need Kyrie to be asleep when I get home, and it’s still too early for a Thursday night. I hate coming here. It feels so low even though I help run the place, but I wasn’t having any luck at the bars finding someone who suits me. Someone who reminds me of her. The one I hate myself for wanting. My princess.
She was my world, my everything. Hell, she still is, she just doesn’t know it. I don’t know what happened, what changed or when it changed, but one day, I looked at my beautiful girl and all I could see was her on her knees for me. I was so shocked and disgusted I drank myself into a puddle, then woke up feeling like perhaps I’d had a bout of temporary insanity. That there was no way I was lusting after my granddaughter, but then the thoughts never stopped.
I couldn’t stop noticing her perky little tits that would fit right in my palm. Her plump ass that sat atop her slender legs. Then there was her maturity. My girl has always been beyond her years. Every day I wanted her more and more. I had to distance myself. No sane grandfather would think that way. I despise myself for the hurt on her face, knowing I put it there with my distance, but I couldn’t bear how she would look at me if she knew why. I never meant for her to suffer because of it either. I tried so hard in the beginning to still have the same relationship with her, but every time we were together, all I could think about was taking her in ways no man should. I had to distance myself.
Then Glen and his wife died. Fuck, the hole in my chest at losing my wife, then my son is gaping. Consuming. Kyrie’s presence in my life is the only reason I haven’t joined them. Knowing she needed me so much, that I was all she had.
It’s gotten worse since she’s been living with me, though. My desire for her has grown every day. The animal inside me claws at the surface anytime she’s near, ready to take her and maul her and make her mine. I can’t do that, though. I’m a sick fuck for wanting that.
So our short time in the kitchen once a day is all I allow myself. The only few minutes I selfishly take to drink in every inch of her intoxicating presence. And she’s such a good girl for me too. She holds my stare every day when we do this, like she can feel me telling her not to look away. If I were to give myself more than that, I’d cross a line I can never come back from. I hate hurting her like I do. She’d understand if I told her, but I can never tell her. That’s why I still call her princess. It’s my way of telling her she’s still mine.
The girl on my lap arches her back deeper, her round ass in the perfect spanking position. Kyrie floods my mind with all the ways I could ruin her for anyone, but me and my dick stir again. Fuck.
Looks like I’m fucking this girl too.
I drag my feet, walking down the hall to my locker. I stayed up later than normal last night. Seanathair always tells me not to wait up, but I always do, unable to relax until I know he’s home. He didn’t come home until around 2:00 a.m. An hour later than normal. This is becoming unhealthy. As much as I love my seanathair, if this is simply how it will be, then I need to accept that and find a way to be happy. I’m eighteen, for fuck’s sake, and he’s a grown man who can do what he wants. Even if that includes not wanting to talk to me.
With a huff, I try to shake my melancholic thoughts away as I find my locker and lazily turn my combination. I switch out my books, then nearly jump out of my skin when I close my locker door and a face greets me on the other side. “Hi, Kyrie.”
Nate. The new guy this year. He’s been sitting next to me in math all year, and we’ve exchanged casual conversation here and there. He’s a nice guy, a little shy, with bright-blue eyes hidden under dark hair and a tall thin frame. He stands there holding onto the straps of his backpack, chewing his lip. I give him a warm smile to hopefully ease whatever anxiety I seem to cause him. “Hi, Nate.”
He looks down to the floor for a second, then back to me. “Listen, I know we don’t talk much and this might be forward, but would you like to go out with me?”
I stand frozen, and my eyes go wide, my eyebrows hitting my hairline, then spit out the only words my brain can come up with in response. “I’m sorry?”
His cheeks turn a dark red as he looks back to the floor. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I know we’re not even really friends. It was just a question.”
“No, no!” I rush out before he turns to leave. I’ve always been quiet and more focused on my studies. I have a few friends I hang out with, but guys never really took an interest in me, and I never cared. But as I stand here being asked out on a date for the first time, I realize that maybe I spent so much time focusing on my issues with Owen that I never tried to forge real relationships. If things would just stay the same or get worse with him, then I need to try to make myself happy.
I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and give Nate a smile. “I… I’d love to.”
I go through the rest of my day feeling lighter than normal. It’s nice. I’m actually really excited about going out with Nate tonight. He’s a nice guy who’s always sweet. After he asked me out, I thought about how we are in class together, and he’s been flirting with me all year, but I’ve been too wrapped up in my “daddy” issues to notice. Which is a shame for both of us. I’ve been secluding myself for really no reason, and Nate is actually quite good-looking and deserves a chance, and I deserve a chance to find a real connection.
At home, I quickly get through my homework, excited I have somewhere to be. Then I start getting ready. It’s just dinner, nothing fancy, so I opt for a pair of skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a plum V-neck sweater to combat the late January chill. I grab my purse and my jacket, then bound down the stairs to wait for Nate. I’m so distracted in my excitement I don’t even pay attention to the time. While fluffing my hair, the front door opens, and Owen comes strolling in. He breezes past me, going to the cabinet like every day. “Hey, Princess.”
This is another reason tonight is a good thing: it’ll break up the monotony of everyday life. It can’t be healthy for an eighteen-year-old to spend every night sitting up waiting for her guardian to come home from wherever it is he goes. He grabs a glass and fills it with water, but when he turns around to settle himself against the counter, he does a double take at me. His eyes go wide as he scans me up and down. A look I can’t decipher crosses his face before he scowls at me. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
My brows furrow. Excuse me? “I have a… a date.”
His eyes widen even more. “A what?”
“A date,” I repeat, crossing my arms over my chest, pushing my cleavage higher.