Page 93 of These Family Ties
Sliding it out from underneath mine, he looks at me for a moment before nodding.
“I’m fine, Mom.”
“Well, as long you’re sure?” I probe, retaking his hand.
Edward smiles. “I am.”
I sigh as he takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. “You can talk to me about anything, you know that, right?”
“I know I can, Mom. I promise, everything is fine.”
I’m not entirely convinced, but I'll drop it for now. I relax my shoulders and take a deep breath, shoving away the worry and tension that niggles at me, despite his words. I guess I’m just being a typical protective mom, worrying about her child. Even though Edward is a grown adult who is able to take care of himself now, I’ll never not worry about his well-being.
Chapter Seven
I feel somewhat bad for lying to Mom, but I think she’d feel worse if she knew the truth about the impure thoughts I’d been having about the two of us. Her hand is soft and small in mine, and when she squeezed it before, it sent a flurry of images whirling into my brain.
Stop thinking about her like that, you’ll get yourself into trouble.
It’s taking everything I have to stamp down these urges, and not just because my dad could walk in at any moment. Mom would no doubt be mortified if she had any inkling of just how much I love her, how much I want her around me in more ways than one. Shifting uncomfortably as a certain appendage decides to perk up, I pull my hand away from hers and drum my fingers on the tabletop.
After what feels like an age, she finally looks away and gets back to her feet. Staying put because moving would draw attention to the fact that I’m standing solidly at attention, I content myself with just watching her movements. Her hair swishes and her hips sway as she darts around the kitchen, getting everything together for the meal she’s lovingly prepared as a celebration for my coming home.
She’s hypnotic, breathtaking, and so damn beautiful, and she has no idea what she does to me, and probably to any man who crosses her path. I want to make her feel as beautiful as she is, to show her how much I love and want her.
Dad finally walks in, moving up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulls her in for a kiss. Jealousy burns in my stomach, and I have to fight back the desire to rip his arms off her and take her for myself. I drop my head back on my chair and exhale slowly, trying to calm the budding rage at seeing another man with his hands all over her. He has every right to touch her, hold her, and do everything he wants to, because he is the man she loves and chose to marry.
I have no right to claim those things from her, no freedom to kiss and love her like he does. Love shouldn’t feel like this, and deep down I know I shouldn’t be having these thoughts and feelings… So why can’t I stop?
“Mom, you’ve excelled yourself. This tastes amazing,” I tell her, using a piece of garlic bread to soak up sauce from the bottom of the bowl. “You should do this for a living.”
Her eyes light up at the compliment, and then she scoffs, slapping my arm lightly. “You’re exaggerating but thank you.”
“It’s delicious, Melanie. The boy is right.”
“Max, between you and Edward I’m going to get a big head,” she replies with a laugh.
I wish, I think, as a brief image of her getting mine pops into my mind.
Dad gets to his feet and takes his bowl and cutlery over to the sink, then rinses them and plops them into the dishwasher. Pulling out his phone, he grumbles at something, then types something before putting it back into his pocket.
“I’ve got to go into work.. Someone cocked up and unless I go in and fix it, we’re going to have head office on our case about mishandled files and mixed up client lists. Sorry, Mel. It’s probably going to be a late one. Save some dessert for me?”
“Can’t someone else handle it? It’s Edward’s first night home, I was hoping we could do something as a family,” Mom says, sounding sad.
“I would, but Carrie just went on parental leave, and this isn’t something that Liam can fix. He doesn’t have access to the client databases. Tomorrow night, I promise.”
“Okay. Let me know when you’re on your way home.”
“Will do. Love you, Mel,” he says. After giving her a peck on the lips, he then looks at me. “Sorry, Eddie.”
“It’s cool, Dad. Tomorrow sounds good. I’m probably going to end up crashing early anyway.”
Me and Mom watch him leave the kitchen, and shortly after comes the sound of jingling keys, the front door opens and shuts, and then the rumble of Dad’s car as he heads out.