Page 115 of Rent Free
We’d chosen this particular school because it was supposed to be the best, but also because I was almost always off when the bus would drop off.
Today would’ve been one of those days, but I’d got caught up in the phone call and asked Quaid, who I knew would be at the station, to grab Forest for me.
Apparently, he’d shared the love with the brothers.
Upon seeing the entirety of his uncles, sans Quincy and Auden, as well as his grandfather, he was ecstatic.
Usually, either Atlas or I would be there when Forest got off the bus.
If it was me picking him up, I’d take Forest inside to see whichever Carter was there to say a quick hello and goodbye.
He especially loved getting lovins’ from ‘Gammy.’
But Grammy and Atlas were at a PR event for the SWAT team today at Dallas Cowboys Stadium—my next stop for the day.
After watching the adorableness go on for a few more minutes, I pointed my car to a parking spot and got out.
I was walking across the parking lot, my gaze on the group of men, when I heard a screech of tires.
I looked up just in time to see a car coming directly at me.
I gasped, tried to jump out of the way, but didn’t make it.
There was a horrible thump, followed by my body flying ten feet—at least that’s what it felt like—through the air and then I hit the ground.
I didn’t feel any pain.
Truthfully, I was convinced that maybe I wasn’t hurt as badly as I expected.
Except, when I tried to turn over, I couldn’t.
I opened my mouth to cry out, to say something, anything… but I couldn’t.
I couldn’t breathe.
Couldn’t move.
Could only hear.
And what I heard would chill me to my bones.
I tried to roll over again, tried to crawl toward that sound, but a body hit the ground beside mine.
“Don’t move.”
The crying was getting worse.
I started to crawl, my body moving now with my determination.
“Please, please stay still,” I heard someone say.
I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman.