Page 129 of Rent Free
“You ever heard of knocking?” Garrett asked, hair wild, as he stared at me.
“I did,” I said. “In my head.”
The woman giggled, still not picking her head up from her pillow.
I placed my sleeping baby boy in between the two of them and said, “I have to go save my girl from a murder hornet.”
“You mean a fly?” Garrett asked, turning over and cuddling closer to my son.
My boy made a soft cooing noise, and the woman finally picked her head up. “Is that my baby?”
I snorted. “Bye.”
I left my kid with my brother and the girl he wasn’t willing to admit was his, and headed out, letting Boss out when I did.
Only when he was finished did I let him back inside and close the door.
The drive to the bakery took less than five minutes.
It was when I was running up the stairs that I realized I was still in sweats only.
I waved at the two bakery workers who were serving about five customers at a time.
There were quite a few eyes on me as I cut through the kitchen and headed for the office.
Generally, I went this way because the back hallway was always filled with bugs.
That had to be the way Pepper had gone for her to let the fly in.
As I slowly crept in, I watched the show.
“Why. Won’t. You. Die.” Pepper growled, tits swinging underneath the crop top she was wearing.
It was another one of my shirts, though cut off about mid-waist. I’d worn it for football my senior year of high school.
She loved it.
I loved it, too.
On her.
I loved it even more when she was braless wearing it, her tits swinging.
I watched for a while, at least until the horse fly finally landed on her.
Snatching up my shirt, I whipped it at her, catching her right on the left ass cheek.
She screeched, turned, and gasped, “What the hell, Atlas?”
I pointed at the ground where the horse fly was still twitching.
She stomped on it.
If you didn’t know better, you would’ve never realized she was hurt so very badly a few years ago.
She was in great shape.
Her body had handled having our babies like a champ.