Page 52 of Rent Free
She tried to elbow me in the face, but I deflected it.
She leaned into me, her finger coming dangerously close to my eye and said, “That’s assaulting a police officer, bitch.”
I scoffed. “You’re delusional.”
“I have a body cam on right now,” she challenged. “You touched me first.”
I flipped off her body camera, which likely wasn’t on, because why would it be on?
“You’re such a fuckin’ bitch,” Sage said, very originally, might I add.
“Why?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“You know why,” she snarled, pushing my shoulder.
I didn’t let her shove move me backward, which pissed her off even more.
She reached her hand up and went to claw at my face, but Atlas’s cold voice stopped her mid-strike.
“Don’t touch her,” Atlas growled, low and deep.
It was so menacing, in fact, that it sent good and bad shivers down my spine.
He was scary when he wanted to be.
Not that I blamed him in this situation.
He deserved to be angry.
He deserved a lot more than anger, in my opinion.
“She touched me first,” Sage replied petulantly. “Why are you choosing her over me now?”
“I think,” Atlas said softly, “that maybe I was choosing the wrong sister this entire time.”
His words sent a thrill streaking through me.
“Of course she sways you to her side,” she whipped her head in my direction, narrowing her eyes at me. “I had one friend, bitch. One. And you couldn’t even let me have that?”
I didn’t say anything, because what would be the point? She always had to have the last word. She always played the victim card. And she always, always, always found a way to turn it around on me if I did say something.
I’d learned a long time ago to just keep my mouth shut when it came to her.
She’d eventually let it go.
“Mr. Carter?”
Atlas turned, leaving the both of us behind.
“This isn’t over,” my sister hissed.
I shrugged and turned my back on her, very aware that it would only piss her off more.
When I arrived at Atlas’s side, the social worker turned to me, offering me her hand.
“You’re his girlfriend?” she asked sweetly.
I opened my mouth to deny it, but Atlas spoke over me. “She is.”