Page 149 of Koroleva
"Of course you owe me one! We're in this together, remember?"
"You and I are not together in anything. And, for your information, my leaving has nothing to do with your boss. You have no business meddling in what doesn't concern you, you seem like one of those old village ladies who spend all day peeking out the window to see what they can find out."
"Maybe it's because I care about you, although I shouldn't. You're the worst partner I've ever had! You tell me nothing, you ignore my ass, and I, on top of that, am confined to a damn bed that keeps me away from everything that's happening out there. I'd like to see you in my situation to see if you wouldn't become the old lady behind the curtain." His dark fingers drummed on the white sheet.
"I don't have the pleasure of knowing that lady, but if she's anything like you, I can imagine," I muttered. I had just packed my toiletry bag and some shoes.
I went to the dresser and then to the closet. I also didn't want to overpack; in Saint Petersburg, I had clothes, there was my house, my home, not next to that madman. A couple more garments and I would be ready.
I placed them meticulously and closed the zipper. In half an hour I had to be at the father-in-law of Koroleva, where his mother and sisters were staying. There I would pick up Sarka and go to the airport.
"How many days will you be away?" Aleksa insisted. But what a fucking pain he was!
"As long as necessary," I answered ambiguously.
Deep down, I liked that he was uneasy. With what he had been undermining me these days, he deserved it, for being annoying.
"Oh, come on! You know that if I call Romeo, he'll tell me where you're going, and I don't need to ask you, right?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Well, do it." He was getting exasperated.
"Is this some kind of secret mission? A special assignment where your life is at risk and that's why you don't want to tell me?"
"I don't want to tell you because it's none of your business. And my life isn't in danger, if you're not around to screw me over with your nonsense, of course." I saw him tighten his expression in disgust. "Don't make me repeat it again, I'm leaving and that's it."
"Only tell me if something could happen to you."
His voice dropped and I looked into those beautiful dark eyes that were a damn downfall.
"Do you say that to send flowers to my grave? Or do you want to dedicate a prayer and light some candles in my name?"
No matter how much I masturbated and sought relief in a gay bar I went to, ending up sleeping with a guy who reminded me too much of my damn toothache, he was still there, sipping every one of my thoughts.
"I'm worried," he confessed. "Not being able to do anything is taking its toll, is it so hard to tell me what's going on?" I sighed resignedly, maybe I was being too harsh for no reason. After all, he wasn't asking anything out of this world. I decided to relieve him.
"I'm taking Sarka back to Saint Petersburg, happy now?" He fell silent and looked at me curiously.
"And why is that?"
"She wants to study her final year there. Jelena and Irisha don't want to return to Russia, so I have to accompany her." He blinked several times and asked cautiously.
"Are you telling me you're going to stay there? That you won't come back?" "I wish I could not return and thus forget about you," I thought to myself.
"Although I would accept that proposal with my eyes closed if it were made to me, no, my job is next to Koroleva and she lives here now. I'll be away for a few days." Aleksa watched me carefully.
"Don't you want to return because of me?"
His tone was not cheerful or joking, rather cautious and restrained.
"Don't flatter yourself. I liked my life before, it was dangerous but peaceful. I didn't have a damn Croat-Slovenian bothering me all day. That's all." He clenched his teeth.
"Yeah. Well, have a light trip and be careful when you go out, don't let a flowerpot fall on your head and thwart your plans."
He was irritated and his comment made me want to burst out laughing. I didn't do it, I just kept my distance and watched him with weariness.
"My head is too hard for a simple flowerpot to ruin my day."
"On that we agree, your head is too hard. No matter how much you run or the kilometers you want to put between us, because I have settled in every fucking memory and I'm not leaving." I smiled half-heartedly.