Page 88 of Koroleva
If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it. Nikita asked Andrey to read her a number from the dossier, and, with total audacity, she started talking to the manager's wife. Sweet, enigmatic, sexy, and convincing, that's how I could summarize her performance. She even allowed herself the luxury of laughing several times with a glorious cascade of subtle chuckles. Five minutes later, she hung up and looked at me triumphantly.
"She and her husband will be in the suite at nine. Tell your father to add two more covers; it's on me."
"No need, there won't be a problem," I whispered, amazed.
She licked her lips like a happy cat and returned to her chair so we could continue discussing the day's second issue: the surveillance strategy around the urbanization and tracking the BMW.
The Vitale
My sisters screamed my name when they saw me arrive. I hadn't seen them in a week, and they were very happy about my return.
My mother was right behind them, her hand suspended on Massimo Capuleto's arm as if she were the queen consort.
It gave me a tremendous shudder to see how he looked at her. There was no doubt that his expression was that of someone who had already sampled that female body but still wanted more. It didn't surprise me. My mother was not scrupulous when it came to choosing her sexual partners. She never based it on beauty, as she claimed she had plenty of it. Jelena Petrova was attracted to power, as well as a life filled with luxury and whims. She liked the feeling of being able to bend those men who ruled the world until they licked her feet, drove them crazy, and coveted her more than any other woman.
Who was I to judge her?
Juliet, Romeo's sister, shared smiles and confidences with Irisha; they seemed to have hit it off. It was the most logical thing; they were of similar age, and my middle sister enjoyed an affable character inherited from... from... from no one. We were not affable.
My younger sister was the most reserved of the three and had quite a temper for her own things, although she still had a long way to go and goals to achieve. Life would take care of giving them to her; she was still very young.
I unhooked myself from Romeo's arm and received the affectionate greetings from all of them.
"Ciao, bella!' my father-in-law greeted me pleased. "You look spectacular, as beautiful as your mother. " He kissed the back of my mother's hand, who looked pleased. "And your sisters, of course, " he muttered gallantly.
"Thank you. "'
"Come, I want to introduce you to the guest of honor at the party. Will you excuse us, dear? " My mother let go of his warmth so that I could take her place.
"Of course. You look radiant, daughter, " she said delighted with the outfit I chose.
"You too. You seem to be very comfortable in Marbella. When are you going back to St. Petersburg?"
"We'll extend it a few more weeks; Massimo is delighted with our company, and we are with his hospitality." I wanted to tell her that what pleased the Capulet demon was having his tail between her legs, but I kept it to myself.
"Then you can continue talking, " my father-in-law interrupted us.
"Yes, sorry, go ahead," my mother muttered serenely.
Romeo stayed by my side as we crossed the area of the outdoor terrace. The night was clear, a pleasant breeze blew, keeping the guests chatting comfortably."
"I appreciate you inviting Arasagasti and his wife," I said as
we crossed the courtyard. "Have they arrived yet?"
"No, not yet. I asked one of my men to let us know when they do. Romeo told me they were important to you and, well, you know family comes first, and you are my daughter now," he added, patting my hand.
My stomach churned. I wasn't sure if he said that because he was sleeping with my mother or because he was married to his son, perhaps for both reasons.
The DJ hired to entertain during the dinner was playing chill-out music. Everyone was dressed in their finest attire and jewels. There must have been about seventy people, or even more. Massimo greeted everyone as we passed. We had to stop several times so he could introduce me.
The crème de la crème of Marbella was concentrated there. Celebrities, businessmen, artists, and a diverse crowd were all part of that elite atmosphere.
Behind an area decorated with natural palms, located on a spacious sofa filled with cushions, sat Don Giuliano Vitale, his men, and his closest family.
Don Giuliano, as he was called, was my father-in-law's brother-in-law, in other words, the brother of Massimo's deceased wife. He couldn't attend our wedding for several reasons. Romeo told me that his grandmother, whom they nicknamed Nonna, was hospitalized with food poisoning that had her battling for her life.