Page 132 of Capuleto
"Your fucking face will look bad when I empty my magazine on it."
"Oh, oh, oh, how violent, the only thing you used to unload in front of me were your balls. Remember?"
"Shut the fuck up, bastard."
"Bastard? No way, I was a very wanted child. You, on the other hand, have always been a trusting fool, a puppet of your daddy. A sappy kid who was dying to surround himself with friends, even if they were from the wrong side. You didn't do what a mafia heir should do; you should have killed me as soon as I appeared on your horizon instead of giving me a place in your life."
"On that, we agree, I should have killed you like I intend to do now because shit is always shit, no matter how much one tries to convince oneself that the best things grow in manure."
"Now you're a poet?"
I was feeling dizzy again, in addition to being terrified that Yuri might kill Romeo. I had to do something to distract my brother.
"Now I'm the guy who's going to annihilate you and your whole fucking family."
I ripped out the IV. As much as Romeo wanted to kill me, something told me he wouldn't, but my brother wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
"Yuri, I don't feel well..." I murmured, tugging at his arm. His expression was one of absolute disapproval. My brother shook off my grip without taking his eyes off R.
A shrill voice echoed behind Romeo. The repulsive face of Irene peeked out behind my husband with a most theatrical pout.
"Please, don't hurt her! She's pregnant!" But what was that crazy bitch saying? What was she doing here?! Had Romeo called her? And why had she said such a lie that no one would believe?
"I'm not...!"
I couldn't finish the sentence. I vomited, and this time, instead of feeling Yuri's support, I felt the barrel of his gun pressing against my temple. But what the fuck...?!
"Well, well, well... so you've knocked up my little sister. It wasn't enough to fuck her; you had to leave your seed in her womb."
"Yuri, what the shit are you doing?!" I asked, trying to get the gun off me.
"Stay still, Kalinka, or I won't hesitate to blow your brains out all over this bed."
I was getting dizzy; my vision was blurring, surely my fever was rising. I clung to the sheets with what little strength I had. My body was failing me.
"Get up. Stand up." He grabbed my arm to spur me.
He pulled me out of the bed without any consideration. My feet hit the viscous contents spilled from my stomach. The disgust contracted my guts, which this time refused to release anything more.
"Do you really think it affects me that you point that piece of scum?" Romeo questioned without a hint of compassion in his voice.
The insult hurt. I had earned it, but it hurt, seeing his condemning expression towards me, realizing that none of my pleas, explanations, or times I apologized mattered. It stung.
"I hate both you and her. Exterminating you will be a favor to the world. I'm not letting anything of mine grow in her womb. I'd rather she be dead."
"No, I'm not pregnant," I insisted with a pasty mouth. I tried to move away from my brother's side, but I couldn't; he held me too tightly.
"Yes, you are! Romeo told me in the cafeteria; it came up in your blood test. Please, sir, let her go!" pleaded that trailer park whore. But what the fuck was she doing? Did she think that would soften Yuri? She had no idea!
"Irene, shut up!" Romeo demanded. "I already told you to leave. Get to safety!" he demanded without lowering his weapon.
I boiled with rage. Surely the damned redhead was already rubbing her hands thinking about my funeral.
Without taking his eyes off Yuri, R gestured with his left hand to protect her, shielding her with his own body. The consideration hurt me more than anything.
"Is that your whore? I've been told you like to have them in pairs," Yuri muttered.
"Shut your big mouth."