Page 137 of Capuleto
"Irene was in cahoots with Yuri; she's the mole, his lover."
"He's lying!" the redhead screeched.
"I have proof to back it up. That's why I rushed to the hospital. They intended to kill Aleksa, and she was supposed to distract you in the cafeteria. As soon as I took down Yuri's men, I tried to warn you, but things got complicated, and you were gone."
"Why should I believe you? What says you're not in on it too? You're the right hand of a traitor; I know what Nikita and her brother planned against me and my family."
"It wasn't long ago that the boss told me Korolev was alive. She ordered me to gather evidence to prove it. I've been trying to get the proof for three days. Nikita screwed up, and that's something you two need to discuss, but she's not to blame for what happened. I have evidence to show it."
"Don't listen to him! He's a liar! He's trying to deceive you!" the witch exclaimed.
"This bitch triggered the explosion that blew up the bikes! If you let me, you just need to listen to the audio on the player where I've stored every conversation. Give me the chance to prove it to you. I planted mics and cameras in Yuri's place. The footage is uploaded to the cloud."
"Your ten seconds are long gone," he muttered.
"Give me just five more; I guarantee you won't regret it."
It didn't take me long to pull out the small player and hit play.
The voices of Yuri and Irene echoed, furrowing Romeo's brow. My boss's husband needed no more evidence.
"Stop it!" he shouted, trembling with rage. He knelt on the floor where the redhead was crying her eyes out with a horrified expression.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I swear I didn't want to, Yuri threatened me, either I did what he asked, or he was going to kill me."
"Since when?!" he roared, she shook her head, and Romeo slapped her across the face. "Since when have you been passing information to that bastard?!" he demanded, shaking her.
"I met Yuri before you," she confessed. "At first, it was a kind of game. He just wanted me to pass information. It was like playing spies, and he indulged me; I didn't think..."
"Didn't think?! Men have died because of you!" R was frantic.
"I kept getting deeper, and when I realized it, I was in over my head."
"Why didn't you ask me for help?"
"Because you wouldn't have forgiven me, and I was scared of Yuri. You have no idea what he's like; he would have killed me."
"That would have been the best thing that could have happened to you," he reflected, looking at her with disgust.
"Romeo, listen to me, I'm in love with you. That wasn't a lie."
"In love?! What you've done isn't out of love. Nikita wasn't wrong about you. You don't deserve to live; I should have shot you that day in the woods."
"But you didn't! Deep down, you know I'm the woman for you! She's a manipulator just like her brother. Kill them and let's be happy! They wanted to destroy you!"
"You're a fucking lunatic! Do you seriously believe what you're saying? I don't want anything with you!"
"The room is too quiet," I warned. "Could they have escaped? Does the bathroom have a window?" I asked.
"Shit! Do you think they could have climbed out the window?"
"Yuri is capable of anything. I'll check the adjacent room. I know you want to get the redhead, but don't kill her yet; she might be useful, and it's better to do it somewhere more discreet. We don't have much time; these cops weren't the only ones in the building, reinforcements will be here soon."
"Do what you must," Romeo muttered. I went into the next room.
"You can't kill me!" Irene screamed.