Page 97 of Slayer
There’s a smile sadder than any tears on her face. “You were a Potential. I knew you could survive longer. The magic wasn’t powerful enough for me to shield more than one of you at a time. I took Artemis first because it was the only way to save you both.”
Her words hit me like an anvil to the chest.
I was the strong one. That was why she left me behind. Not because she hated me or because she loved Artemis more. Because it was the only way for Artemis to live. I never knew it, she never knew it, but I was protecting her.
“You should have told us,” I whisper.
“I couldn’t. Not without telling you why you were stronger. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry you thought—but it doesn’t matter now. I have to go, because I can’t stay here and let another innocent be destroyed on my watch. I’ve done too much of that in my lifetime.” She turns and hurries into the darkness. I wait, stunned, until I hear an engine start up far in the distance. The roar slowly fades away.
And then she’s gone.
• • •
The walk back to the castle is far longer this time. Everything I thought I knew has once again evaporated. Would a woman who risks her life to go save a demon from torture and captivity do anything that would threaten a castle full of people she cares about?
Who is my mother?
Artemis will be waiting inside with Eve. I want to tell Artemis it wasn’t her fault that Mom picked her first. She doesn’t have to feel guilty anymore, ever. I don’t want to tell her that Honora attacked our mom and took Doug. Or maybe I do. I can’t decide which.
However, Honora and Sean’s presence in the forest is deeply suspect. It places them here around when Cillian was being attacked. Sean had a vendetta against Cosmina, and she died. Cillian kept Doug hidden from Sean, and he was attacked. Maybe Sean thought Bradford was the one who was trying to help Doug. And Bradford died the morning Honora came back.
Artemis isn’t going to like it, but we have to look into it. With all the demons Sean has at his disposal, surely a succubus type isn’t out of the question. I promised Rhys I’d research, but a trip to Dublin is a better strategy. This time I won’t leave without answers.
Leo is waiting for me on the edge of the castle grounds. His voice is bright against the darkness. “I was looking for you.”
“Oh gods, I have so much to fill you in on.”
Leo takes my elbow, spinning me back toward the forest and the path to Shancoom. “Great! We’re going this way.” He carries me along like a leaf caught in a current, his fingers a gentle guiding pressure.
“Is your mom already out here looking for mine? Because I was wrong. About everything. We need to get to Dublin.”
“There’s a lot we need to talk about. This way.”
“No, I need a car.”
He tugs my elbow, then stops when I don’t respond. “Athena. It will keep. The world isn’t going to end. Let’s just walk for a bit. Please?”
The predawn sky is slowly bruising with the promise of the sun. I can’t quite make out Leo’s expression, but his voice sounds strained. My phone buzzes with a text from Cillian. “Weird,” I say, shoving my cell back in my pocket.
“Cillian wants me to come over and watch Eurovision. Odd request when he was technically dead a couple hours ago.” I pause. “Oh, you don’t know about that. A demon attacked him. I think it’s the same one who got Bradford and Cosmina. Our working theory is succubus. Do you think the text is a code? He needs help but can’t say? No, he would never use Eurovision lightly.” My phone buzzes again.
Everything is fine. Bunk off and come over right now. Rhys wants you to too.
Kind of busy, I text back.
Stop being busy. Or be busy here.
I’m with Leo.
Perfect! Bring him.
Cillian has Rhys to watch over him. They don’t need me. And Leo’s not quite right—the world might end. It tries to with aggravating frequency. One of these days, I could be the girl behind it.
Leo keeps looking over his shoulder like he’s expecting someone else. “We’ll go to Cillian’s, then. Check up on him. We can talk there.”
“No, Rhys is there, so Cillian’s safe. We have bigger problems. Sean and Honora attacked my mom and took Doug back to Dublin. My mom’s going after them. I am too. You can tell the Council. What’s left of it, anyway.” I turn toward the castle again.